Ducati Ride this weekend, May 7th

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Vicki Smith

May 3, 2022, 2:02:22 PM5/3/22
to <ducati-144@meetup.com>, docsf
Ducati "Let's Ride As One" May 7th

Meet at Ducati Miami (Doral) 9:30am
5201 NW 77th Ave, Suite 600
Miami, FL 33166

Destination will be Sundowners in Key Largo
103900 Overseas Highway, Key Largo FL, 33037

This is an easy ride with moderate pace. It is a "Destination Ride"
meaning you are not compelled to ride with the group. If you prefer a
different pace or route, you can just head to the destination and meet
the group for lunch.  The group is expected to arrive at Sundowners
around noon.
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