Tuesday! October Ducati Bike Night Gulf Stream Brewing

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Vicki Smith

Oct 20, 2022, 3:46:08 PM10/20/22
to docsf, <ducati-144@meetup.com>
This months Ducati Bike night is this coming Tuesday night, October
25th, 7-10pm at Gulf Stream Brewing on 13th Street in Fort Lauderdale. 
I will be bringing the Ducati gift kits which are free, and small enough
to put in a pocket.  They include a pretty good Ducati branded neck or
head scarf, a bracelet, pin, patch, card and letter from the Ducati CEO.
I should have enough for everyone so just ask when you see me at the
bike night.  If you need it mailed check my previous email for details
on that.

Weather looks amazing so hope to see a lot of you there!
Ducati Owners Club of South Florida


Oct 27, 2022, 8:57:13 PM10/27/22
to do...@googlegroups.com
Hi Vicki,

Nice catching up with you the other night for the bike night. Question, on the D.O.C membership card it said you might have a Ducati code to add to it, would you have a ducati code to give me to write on the card?


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