Re: Christianity is Evil

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Paramendra Kumar Bhagat

Mar 16, 2023, 10:59:57 AM3/16/23
to Tilak Shrestha,,,, Chakradhar Mishra, FCPS sis Account, Ishwar Chandra Chaudhary, Ishwar Mishra, Jagadanand Chaudhary, Jagadish Shah, Jagadish Shah, Jagdish Yadav, Janardan Shah, Janardan Subedi, Jasmine Khatoon, Jay Mandal, Jay Nishant, Jay P Sah, Jay P. Sah, Jay Prakash Sah, Jay Ram Mandal, Jitendra Thakur, Kameshwar Yadav, Kala Uprety, Kalayani Thakur, Kamal Kant Labh,, Kanta Mallik, Karna Basant, Kaushal Jha, Kavin Aryal, Keshab Shreshta,, Khusbu Yadav, Khushboou Singha, Khushbu Mishra, Khusi Ram Tiwari, Komal Dutta, Anita and Kripa Singh:, Krishan Hari Pushkar,, Krishna Jha, Krishna Nirola, Kul Chandra Gautam, Kumod Shah, Kunal Jha,, Kundan Karna,, Lalan K. Dev, Lalbabu Sah, Lalit Jha, Lalit Jha, Lalit Mandal, Laxman Sah, Laxmi Sah, Madan Pathak, Madan Pathak, Madan Sah, Madan Thakur, Madhav Yadav, Mahabhit, Mahendra Karki, Mahendra Mahato, Mahesh Jha, Maheshwar Sah, Mala Jha, Mamta Singh, Manish Chaudhary, Manish Karn, Manish Singh, Manish Suman, Manisha Bhagat, Manju Singh, Manoj K. Sah, Manoj Prajapati, Manoj Ray, Manoj Singh, Medha Darshan,, Mira Kumari, Mita Jha, Mithilesh Jha, Mithilesh Yadav, Mohan Kumar Yadav, Mukesh Jha, Mukesh Jha, Mukesh Kumar, Mukesh Mehta, Mukesh Singh, Mukti Upadhay, Nanda Kishor Singh, Narayan Deo, Narayan Mahato, Narayan Shah, Narendra P. Chaudhary, Naresh Jha, Naveen Dutta, Navin Karn, Navin Singh, Nawal Yadav, Nidhi Rani Shah, Nilesh Karna, Nilesh Karna, Nimesh Kumar, Niraj Gupta, Niraj Keyal, Nirmal Prasad Gupta,,, Om Goit, Om Prakash Shah, Padam Sharma, Pami Yadav, Pankaj Jalan, Pankaj Karna, Anand Pathak, Pawan Agrawal, Pawan Sharma, Peetambar Kushwaha, Phul Kumar Deo, Pinky Jha,,,, Poonam Jha, Prabhat Jha, Prabhat Mahato, Pradeep Shah NJ, Pradeep Thapa, Pradip Sah, Prakash Sah, Pralhad KC, Pramod Gupta, Pramod Gupta, Pramod Jayswal, Pramod Jha, Pramod Kantha, Pramod Kumar Sah, Pramod Mishra,, Prashant Gami, Prashant Jha, Prashant Shah, Pravin Sah, Prawesh Dev, Prem Bhandari, Prem Nirala, Prem Singh, Er Pramod Sah, Punam Jha, Punam Thakur, Pushpa Pathak, Pushpa Pokhrel, Rajendra Adhikari, Raghbendra Dwivedy, Raj Sarraf, Raja P. Upadhyay, Rajan Kanth, Rajeeb Mishra, Rajesh Kumar Das, Rajesh Ray, Rajesh Ray, Rajesh Ray Yadav, Rakesh Chaudhary, Rajesh Shah, Rajesh Shah, Rajesh Tiwari, Rakesh Mandal, Rakesh Shah, Rakesh Shah, Rakesh Gupta, Ram Chaudhary, Ram Lakhan Singh, Ram Manohar Sah, Ram Manohar Sah, Ram N. Sah, Ram N. Sah, Ram N. Sah, Ram Naresh Pandey, Ram Ray, Ram Suresh Mahato,, Ramakant Kharel, Ramdayal Yadav,, Rameshwar Ray Yadav, Ranjana Jha, Ranjit Sah, Ranjit Saxena, Ranjit Ranjan, Rashmi Jha, Rashmi Jha, Rashmi Shah, Rashmi Thakur, Ratan Jha, Ratnesh Jha, Ratnesh Jha, Ravi Prashad, Ravi Shankar Prasad, Rekha Karn,, Rinku Kumari, Rishi Jha, Ritesh Chaudhary, Ritesh Mittal,, Robert Loser, Roger Adhikari, Roshan Chaudhary, Roshan Giri, Ram Yadav, Sabita Mishra, Sachindra Bajracharya,,, Salilendra Sah, Saloni Agrawal, Sameer K Sah, Sandeep Raj Pandey, Sangita Yadav, Sanjay Gupta, Sanjay K. Karna, Sanjay Shrestha, Sanjay Yadav, sanjay kumar, Sanjeeb, Sanjeev Sah, Sanjeev Shah, Sanjeev Yadav, Sanjib Sah, Sanjiv Sah, Sant Sah, Santosh Jha, Santosh Jha, Santosh Nayak, Santosh Shah, Santosh Shah,, Sarbesh K. Chaudhary, Sarbesh K. Chaudhary, Sarla Pandey, Sarvendra Agahari, Sashi Mahato, Sashi Yadav, Satendra Shah, Satinder Singh, Satya N. Yadav,, Seema Sah, Shailendra Shah, Shailendra Yadav, Shailesh Jha, Sharad Kayastha, Sharad Kumar Kayastha, Shayam Karki, Shiva Gautam, Shiva Shah, Shivam Ashirbadam, Shobha Sah, Shrawan Jha, Shree Govind Shah, Shree Parajuli, Shweta Gyawali, Shyam Krishna Shah, Shyam Suman,, Sikendra Shah, Simran Shah, Siru Adhikari, Sanjay Gami, Subhash Shah, Subhas Shah, Subhash Baitha, Subhash Mandal, Subhash Prasad, Subhash Sah,, Subhash Shah, Subodh Mallik, Subodh Shah, Sucheta Pyakurel, Sudhir Shah, Sudir Singh, Sujata Shah, Sujit Mishra, Sujit Mishra, Sukhdev Shah, Suman Sah, Sumit Shah, Suneel Sah, Sunil Dwivedy, Sunil Jha, Sunil K. Sah, Suraj Nayak, Surendra Chaudhary,, Suresh K. Sah, Sushil Jha, Sushil Kumar, Sushil Sah, Sushil Shah, Sushil Chaudhary, T. K. Gupta, Tek Narayan Yadav, Tek Narayan Yadav,, Tribhuvan Chaudhary, Umesh Yadav, Upendra Karn, Upendra Mahato, Upendra Yadav, Vijay Jha, Vijay Karna, Vijay Pratap Singh, Vijay Singh, Vijay Yadav, Vikas Pathak, Yogi Raut
"You indicated that you have converted to Christianity."

Tilakji. When did I ever say I converted to Christianity?


On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 1:32 AM Tilak Shrestha <> wrote:
> Paramendra Bhagat Jee,
> Namaste!
> You indicated that you have converted to Christianity. Here is the information about Christianity for your perusal. Hope, it helps. Christianity is evil, nonsense, pack of lies, and violent. A few notes on the subject including ‘Christianity awareness’ is attached for more detail and references.
> Central doctrine 1 – “All Christians go to Heaven, no matter how Evil. All others go to Hell, no matter how Virtuous.”
> We all must piss on this nonsense and flush it off. Accordingly, all converts must agree that their mother, father, brothers, sisters, and all ancestors gone to Hell, or will go to Hell. Agree to send own parent to Hell? Let me suggest Pret \ Pisacha \ Daitya \ Raxasa are not myth but the real individuals with warped mind.
> Christianity claims all babies are born in Sin. Absolute lie. Babies are sinless, innocent and divine.
> Central doctrine 2 – “God created the world in 4,004 BC. First couple Adam & Eve committed sin by eating the Apple of knowledge. Thus, we all are sinners.”
> Absolute nonsense. The world is created at least 13 billion years ago. Our Veda begun at least 21,000 years ago. Ramayana happened about 7,000 years ago. Adam & Ever are myth not reality. Knowledge is good. That is why we all go to schools to eat apple of knowledge. On the other hand, the orange of ignorance is bad. Sin and punishment are person specific. It does not spread like Corona virus. No person may be punished for some other person’s sin.
> Central doctrine 3 – “Jesus suffered for the sins of individuals believing ‘Jesus is Christ.’ Jesus did not pay for non-believers.”
> Total nonsense. Jesus was crucified by Romans for revolting against Roman empire, not to pay for other’s sin. Jesus or any other person may not suffer for some other’s sin. Sins are not transferable.
> Jesus is not Christ. The correct definition of 'Christ or Messiah' is - a man, not God or son of God, direct descendant of King David, send by God to liberate Jews, and to create the Kingdom of Israel. Jesus clamed so, but could not fulfil it. Thus, Jews reject him as the prophesized Christ.
> The meaning of Christ as told to you is a lie cooked up by St. Paul. Paul created Christianity using the palimpsest of then existing other Sun cycle-based religions like Osiris, Mithraism etc. He merely used the rumor that Jesus might have survived crucifixion, and cooked up Christianity.
> Believing any, true or not, does not make your sin go away. If so, there will be no prison in any Christian countries. Here is an interesting conversation in a court. Judge,” Did you steal the chicken?” Thief,” Yes, sir, I did. But I believe ‘Jesus is Christ.’ Thus, Jesus has already suffered for my sin. Sir, may I go now?”
> Jesus: His biological father’s name is ‘Panthera’, a Roman soldier. His mother Mary got pregnant before marriage. Thus, her father’s claim ‘Miracle.’ Of course, wise understand and fools believe. Who is Jesus’s father? God, of course. God is the father \ mother \ brother \ friend of all of us.
> Jesus was teased as ‘Son of Mary’, an insult in Patriarchic Jewish society. He ran away to India when he was teenager. He returned around 27 years of age, and claimed being Christ, as per correct Jewish term. He tried to foment a rebellion against Roman occupation, but did not succeed. For his rebellion he was crucified by Romans. Bible lies and blames all Jews by community and by individual for the crucifixion. He was on the cross only for a few hours and did not die. He ran away to India. He died of old age. His burial place \ temple still exists in Shrinagar, Kashmir. Jesus has nothing to do with Christianity. Christianity is cooked up by St. Paul.
> Here is the black heart of the Christian Priests \ Jesuit Oath:
> “ ….. I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly openly, against all heretics, protestants, and liberals, as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition, and that I will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants’ heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race, that when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the strangulation cord, as directed so to do by any agent of the pope or superior of the brotherhood of the holy father of the society of Jesus. .… “
> Christianity is not merely a faith, but a vicious ideology. It is about brain washing people and attacking other’s heritage. It tortured and killed about 100 million Europeans in imposing itself. It killed another 50 million people in Americas and Africa. Churches even killed Hindus and destroyed temples in India. It destroyed European glorious heritage of Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Pythagoras, Euclid and countless philosophers. Church burned alive Professor Giordano Bruno and imprisoned for life Professor Galileo for saying that the earth goes around the sun, contrary to the Bible. It dragged Europe down the millennium long Dark Age. Finally, Europe woke up from this nightmare of Christianity and had Renaissance, the age of enlightenment, in the 15th century AD. Enlightened King Napoleon Bonaparte of France attacked Spain to free it from the darkness of Christianity in 1808 AD.
> Read evil Bible:
> Deuteronomy 12:2-3 Destroy others temples and destroy images of their Gods.
> John 14:6 Jesus is the only way. All non-Christians will go to hell.
> Acts 4:12 There is no salvation in any other religions.
> John 3:16-18 All non-Christians are condemned to hell already.
> Jesus was not really a nice guy:
> Matthew 10:34 I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
> Luke 19:27 Kill them before me, who would not accept me as the King.
> John 6:53 Unless you eat the flesh and drink blood of Jesus, you have no life.
> Matthew 15:24 I am here to help only Jews or the people of Israel.
> Christian God is vicious:
> Biblical God killed all the first-born Egyptian children in support of Moses, and killed all the humanity except Noah's family.
> Exodus 20:5 I am jealous God. If you bow to other Gods, I will punish even your children up to 4rth generations.
> Number 31: Attack Midian tribe. Kill all men, women and children; except virgin girls. Plunder their wealth and burn their villages. You enjoy their wealth and virgins.
> Let me also attach a few more notes for your perusal.
> May Buddha bless us all!
> Thanks,
> Tilak B. Shrestha, Ph.D.
> Christianity in action:
> 1. Churches tortured and converted Hindus by force
> 2. Inquisition and torture tools, 50 million tortured to death.
> 3. Discovery Channel - Machines of Malice - the Inquisition
> 4. Millions of Native Americans were Killed by Christians - Hopi Chief
> 5. American Holocaust of Native American Indians
> 6. Nepal earthquake tragedy - Christian Exploitation
> 7. Christianity and morality? Sam Harris
> 8. Christianity, Awful Truth: Deception, Intolerance and Cultural Genocide
> 9. Christian inquisition killed 9 million women, Pagan Holocaust


Paramendra Kumar Bhagat

Mar 16, 2023, 1:42:53 PM3/16/23
to Tilak Shrestha,,,, Chakradhar Mishra, FCPS sis Account, Ishwar Chandra Chaudhary, Ishwar Mishra, Jagadanand Chaudhary, Jagadish Shah, Jagadish Shah, Jagdish Yadav, Janardan Shah, Janardan Subedi, Jasmine Khatoon, Jay Mandal, Jay Nishant, Jay P Sah, Jay P. Sah, Jay Prakash Sah, Jay Ram Mandal, Jitendra Thakur, Kameshwar Yadav, Kala Uprety, Kalayani Thakur, Kamal Kant Labh,, Kanta Mallik, Karna Basant, Kaushal Jha, Kavin Aryal, Keshab Shreshta,, Khusbu Yadav, Khushboou Singha, Khushbu Mishra, Khusi Ram Tiwari, Komal Dutta, Anita and Kripa Singh:, Krishan Hari Pushkar,, Krishna Jha, Krishna Nirola, Kul Chandra Gautam, Kumod Shah, Kunal Jha,, Kundan Karna,, Lalan K. Dev, Lalbabu Sah, Lalit Jha, Lalit Jha, Lalit Mandal, Laxman Sah, Laxmi Sah, Madan Pathak, Madan Pathak, Madan Sah, Madan Thakur, Madhav Yadav, Mahabhit, Mahendra Karki, Mahendra Mahato, Mahesh Jha, Maheshwar Sah, Mala Jha, Mamta Singh, Manish Chaudhary, Manish Karn, Manish Singh, Manish Suman, Manisha Bhagat, Manju Singh, Manoj K. Sah, Manoj Prajapati, Manoj Ray, Manoj Singh, Medha Darshan,, Mira Kumari, Mita Jha, Mithilesh Jha, Mithilesh Yadav, Mohan Kumar Yadav, Mukesh Jha, Mukesh Jha, Mukesh Kumar, Mukesh Mehta, Mukesh Singh, Mukti Upadhay, Nanda Kishor Singh, Narayan Deo, Narayan Mahato, Narayan Shah, Narendra P. Chaudhary, Naresh Jha, Naveen Dutta, Navin Karn, Navin Singh, Nawal Yadav, Nidhi Rani Shah, Nilesh Karna, Nilesh Karna, Nimesh Kumar, Niraj Gupta, Niraj Keyal, Nirmal Prasad Gupta,,, Om Goit, Om Prakash Shah, Padam Sharma, Pami Yadav, Pankaj Jalan, Pankaj Karna, Anand Pathak, Pawan Agrawal, Pawan Sharma, Peetambar Kushwaha, Phul Kumar Deo, Pinky Jha,,,, Poonam Jha, Prabhat Jha, Prabhat Mahato, Pradeep Shah NJ, Pradeep Thapa, Pradip Sah, Prakash Sah, Pralhad KC, Pramod Gupta, Pramod Gupta, Pramod Jayswal, Pramod Jha, Pramod Kantha, Pramod Kumar Sah, Pramod Mishra,, Prashant Gami, Prashant Jha, Prashant Shah, Pravin Sah, Prawesh Dev, Prem Bhandari, Prem Nirala, Prem Singh, Er Pramod Sah, Punam Jha, Punam Thakur, Pushpa Pathak, Pushpa Pokhrel, Rajendra Adhikari, Raghbendra Dwivedy, Raj Sarraf, Raja P. Upadhyay, Rajan Kanth, Rajeeb Mishra, Rajesh Kumar Das, Rajesh Ray, Rajesh Ray, Rajesh Ray Yadav, Rakesh Chaudhary, Rajesh Shah, Rajesh Shah, Rajesh Tiwari, Rakesh Mandal, Rakesh Shah, Rakesh Shah, Rakesh Gupta, Ram Chaudhary, Ram Lakhan Singh, Ram Manohar Sah, Ram Manohar Sah, Ram N. Sah, Ram N. Sah, Ram N. Sah, Ram Naresh Pandey, Ram Ray, Ram Suresh Mahato,, Ramakant Kharel, Ramdayal Yadav,, Rameshwar Ray Yadav, Ranjana Jha, Ranjit Sah, Ranjit Saxena, Ranjit Ranjan, Rashmi Jha, Rashmi Jha, Rashmi Shah, Rashmi Thakur, Ratan Jha, Ratnesh Jha, Ratnesh Jha, Ravi Prashad, Ravi Shankar Prasad, Rekha Karn,, Rinku Kumari, Rishi Jha, Ritesh Chaudhary, Ritesh Mittal,, Robert Loser, Roger Adhikari, Roshan Chaudhary, Roshan Giri, Ram Yadav, Sabita Mishra, Sachindra Bajracharya,,, Salilendra Sah, Saloni Agrawal, Sameer K Sah, Sandeep Raj Pandey, Sangita Yadav, Sanjay Gupta, Sanjay K. Karna, Sanjay Shrestha, Sanjay Yadav, sanjay kumar, Sanjeeb, Sanjeev Sah, Sanjeev Shah, Sanjeev Yadav, Sanjib Sah, Sanjiv Sah, Sant Sah, Santosh Jha, Santosh Jha, Santosh Nayak, Santosh Shah, Santosh Shah,, Sarbesh K. Chaudhary, Sarbesh K. Chaudhary, Sarla Pandey, Sarvendra Agahari, Sashi Mahato, Sashi Yadav, Satendra Shah, Satinder Singh, Satya N. Yadav,, Seema Sah, Shailendra Shah, Shailendra Yadav, Shailesh Jha, Sharad Kayastha, Sharad Kumar Kayastha, Shayam Karki, Shiva Gautam, Shiva Shah, Shivam Ashirbadam, Shobha Sah, Shrawan Jha, Shree Govind Shah, Shree Parajuli, Shweta Gyawali, Shyam Krishna Shah, Shyam Suman,, Sikendra Shah, Simran Shah, Siru Adhikari, Sanjay Gami, Subhash Shah, Subhas Shah, Subhash Baitha, Subhash Mandal, Subhash Prasad, Subhash Sah,, Subhash Shah, Subodh Mallik, Subodh Shah, Sucheta Pyakurel, Sudhir Shah, Sudir Singh, Sujata Shah, Sujit Mishra, Sujit Mishra, Sukhdev Shah, Suman Sah, Sumit Shah, Suneel Sah, Sunil Dwivedy, Sunil Jha, Sunil K. Sah, Suraj Nayak, Surendra Chaudhary,, Suresh K. Sah, Sushil Jha, Sushil Kumar, Sushil Sah, Sushil Shah, Sushil Chaudhary, T. K. Gupta, Tek Narayan Yadav, Tek Narayan Yadav,, Tribhuvan Chaudhary, Umesh Yadav, Upendra Karn, Upendra Mahato, Upendra Yadav, Vijay Jha, Vijay Karna, Vijay Pratap Singh, Vijay Singh, Vijay Yadav, Vikas Pathak, Yogi Raut

You rightly pointed out that I am the author of this book: I am the author of several
books. I just published one
today: Priyanka: The Cyber Meltdown It is a novel.

You have obviously not read the book. You have not even read the
four-sentence intro to the book displayed on its Amazon page. "This is
the story of how I came to know I am Jesus come back, the one the
world has been waiting for 2,000 years. It is written, when Jesus
comes back all world will see him at once. That is a reference to the
Internet. I am Kumar, call me Kumar."

I was born into a Hindu family. I grew up Hindu. God is one. The God
of many universes is not the God of this or that country. I never
stopped being Hindu. No need. But in 2016 I came to learn I am Jesus
come back as promised. Lord Rama also promised 7,000 years ago that He
will be back. He was back 2,000 years later as Lord Krishna. Lord
Krishna says in the Geeta, "I will be back in every age to reestablish
Dharma." He is back. He is Lord Kalki. He is the answer to the
2,000-year-old Christian prayer, Thy kingdom come. Rama Rajya was only
in Ayodhya. Kalki Rajya will be on all earth. Holy Father: Vishnu,
Holy Son: Bramha, Holy Spirit: Shiva. Just like Lord Vishnu has been
on earth in human incarnations as Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha
and today Lord Kalki, Bramha was Jesus 2,000 years ago, today it is

I will be happy to publish our entire dialogue at my blog once it has

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