JST Warning to me

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Apr 19, 2007, 7:38:25 AM4/19/07
O.K. This is getting way out of hand!

As of this minute all DBPA personel that have any complaint about
myself or any of my staff please direct them to me because in all my
time sa PA leader I have never brought a problem with anyone to the
JST in our main DB page, that is why we have an Inquisitor in game. If
the Inquisitor can not assist us and it is something that we can not
resolve then we direct it to the JST.

Now I had a DEV come check up on me last night and soon after I had
our GM question me on certain stuff that I find to be petty, but non
the less stuff that can cause us to look les than honorable, this
tells me that someone is out there trying to deflect us from our
future projects and If I have been farming faction points while AFK it
is because I wanted us to have as many faction perks as posible not
only for our upcoming movie but for us to use since these are sold to
players based on rank and are not bio-linked everyone can sport them.

In the past I have always given to my members so they can have a great
start and hold a high status among their peers in that server, I think
the time has come for me to focus on my own toons and let the rest of
the guild earn their stuff, I am not saying I will not help out in
missions just that I am gonna start to enjoy the game and not get
antzie about making sure that someone gets that "Fire Crystal" or
"JetPack". I recognze that these things are to be earned and in the
past I have issued them out.

So as of this minute, I am gonna remove everyone from PA access with
exception of Ziguarath because he is the appointed Inquisitor, I will
take control of the PA and the 2 other new cities.

Our film project will be placed on hold and all future plans as well
until things begin to cool down.

I will be running an AWOL check with the assistance of Aabsdu, if you
do not reply your gonna be removed, I have been some what slack with
the AWOL thing because of having so mAny folks drop in and out and
return again which is laziness on my part.

With that said I will bid you all a good day and happy gaming.

SWL M.R. Mandalore-
Galaxies Tribune

JST sent this to me:
Maximus Raidoner Mandalore -

Over the past several weeks I have received several comments about
your leadership in the DBPA, specifically regarding your condoning and
encouraging the use of a "macro" in-game. I know using macro's is not
technically "against the rules" in SWG. However, I have been talking
to several people who play the game and they have informed me that the
use of many macros (especially the AFK variety) is upon very
negatively by the SWG community as a whole.

There are two points I would like to make here - the first is in
regards to your responsibility as a leader in the Dark Brotherhood.
As a leader you are held to a higher standard, you are expected to act
with integrity and encourage likewise action in your subordinates.
This means that leaders must be beyond reproach, and everything -
whether it be chatting on IRC, running a competition, or playing any
game - must be done in the "cleanest" way possible. This includes
"gray" areas in games, things that are not technically illegal but are
often referred to as "laming" by the gaming community. Leaders must
ensure their members do not engage in such activities, and obviously
must set a good example themselves.

The second, and more serious point I would like to make is in regards
to the Dark Covenant Sections 8.06 E and H, which state:

Dereliction of Duty: Upon accepting the appointment to a position, a
member of the Brotherhood accepts all aspects of responsibility
associated with said position. The duties of the lowest member are
just as important as the highest, and therefore, must be fulfilled
willfully and with the highest regard to the Common Good, that is to
say that leaders shall work towards the betterment of the whole.
Members who are unable to fulfill the duties assigned to them, after
proper communication of the dereliction from their superior, shall be
relieved of their duties.

Disreputable Behavior: No member shall willfully partake in any action
that brings disrepute onto the Dark Brotherhood, as a whole, Order,
Clan, House, Battle team, or individual member. They are expected to
act in the organization's best interest. Dark Jedi found to be causing
harm to the organization's image shall be punished based on their
actions. This category includes many actions taken by members outside
the club activities that reflect on the organization, such as treason,
acts to sabotage, or stealing of property of Dark Brotherhood members
or other organizations.

If you are indeed engaged in the use of afk macros and/or any other
activities that are seen by the general SWG community as "laming",
"cheap", or simply unacceptable - you would be subject to the charge
of Disreputable Behavior. In addition, if you are encouraging other
members of the DBPA to engage in these behaviors, this would also lead
to the charge of Dereliction of Duty. You are the LEADER of the
Brotherhood in the DBPA, and therefore you represent the DB in the SWG
community. If you are bringing disrepute onto the DB by engaging in
activities such as these, then you are in violation of both the Dark
Covenant and your Duty as a leader.

Now, because these matters are in the "gray" area of the club and the
games we use, I am merely issuing you a warning. This warning will be
placed on file with the CoJ along with the complaints brought
forward. Any future complaints or evidence of misconduct on your part
will trigger automatic and immediate action by the Chamber of Justice,
and you will be removed from your position.

Remember your job as a leader is to promote the common good and
maintain the image of the Dark Brotherhood in the online community.
Any actions taken in contradiction to these responsibilities should be

Signed and Sealed in Justice,
Dark Side Adept Kir Taldrya Katarn
Justicar and High Protector of the Dark Brotherhood

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