I am currently feeding a crow family - does anyone have a CrowBox they would like to pass on?

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Lynda Taylor

Jul 17, 2023, 6:42:13 PM7/17/23
to Crow Box Kit
We live in a townhouse and I noticed that two crows were building a nest in the tree around 8 feet from our balcony. I started feeding them dog kibble during their whole nesting process. One of the young ones has been able to land around 4 feet from me to ask for kibble. They now have 4 juvenile crows that they've taught to wait outside my balcony as well. We have an easy power hookup, no issues with squirrels, and a captive audience. 

I'd love to see if someone has a box to pass on as I'm terrible at being able to put one of these together. Thank you!!!

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