Phase 3 electronic problem

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Wessel Kraaiennest

Nov 9, 2021, 4:08:37 PM11/9/21
to Crow Box Kit
The slide does not open when a coin drops on the copper elements. Connecting both elements with a little piece of wire: no action either. Touching one of the elements with my finger: slide opens! ????? how come ???? I loosened the small clamps from the copper elements. Touching a clamp with a coin: nothing happens, but scratching a coin with the clamp leads to opening the slide. What is happening? 
When the Crow Box was brand new (1.5 years ago) the system was functioning flawless.
Anyone a brilliant idea or suggestion?

Wessel Kraaiennest

Nov 10, 2021, 2:09:57 PM11/10/21
to Crow Box Kit
Inspired by the alternative wiring scheme of Rodion (see servo discussion startet on okt 19) I decided to use the other ground on the arduino. Coin sensor functioned…..only once. After that again as written above. After trying several weird options (for a weird problem you need weird solutions) I ended up with the following. Whole setup is according to original instructions, only the ground wire is loose. And it functions perfectly! Laws of phisics no longer apply I guess. 
I hope they still don’t tomorrow, cause Jay is missing its peanuts and training sessions and I’m not going back to phase two.

Op dinsdag 9 november 2021 om 22:08:37 UTC+1 schreef Wessel Kraaiennest:

Rodion Mutsolgov

Nov 11, 2021, 8:51:23 AM11/11/21
to Crow Box Kit
I think you have contact problems. Possibly poorly soldered or material problems. Can you send a photo of contacts for coins?

среда, 10 ноября 2021 г. в 22:09:57 UTC+3, Wessel Kraaiennest:

Wessel Kraaiennest

Nov 13, 2021, 9:14:23 AM11/13/21
to Crow Box Kit
Very well possible. Interior has been wet/moist few times due to (unexpected) rain. Some corrosion is visible (on the little white electronic board) I might renew some parts coming weeks. But at this very moment the CrowBox functions well (90 pct of the coins are detected) despite the loose wire. I will keep you updated! Bye for now.

Op donderdag 11 november 2021 om 14:51:23 UTC+1 schreef

Rodion Mutsolgov

Nov 13, 2021, 11:20:23 AM11/13/21
to Crow Box Kit
It's very good that everything works again.

суббота, 13 ноября 2021 г. в 17:14:23 UTC+3, Wessel Kraaiennest:

Josh Klein

Nov 15, 2021, 5:19:24 AM11/15/21
Thanks all for jumping in on this; has anyone else had similar problems?

- J

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