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Robert Link

Jan 6, 2011, 8:54:18 AM1/6/11
to Cooparation Commons

Please join me in welcoming Katie King, Vincent Traag, and Nasarullah
Mari to CoCo!

Katie, Vincent, Nasarullah, please feel free to let us know a bit about
what brought you to Cooperation Commons and how you see your work in
relationship to our project.


Robert Thomas Hayes Link, Esq.
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Vincent Traag

Jan 6, 2011, 9:13:12 AM1/6/11
Hi everybody,

Thank you for allowing me to join the club.  As far as introduction goes, I did my master's in sociology in the Netherlands, but have a background in computer science and mathematics as well. I'm currently pursuing a Ph.D in applied mathematics in Belgium, and I'm interested in complex networks and cooperation and conflict. In terms of networks, cooperation and conflict between entities could be seen as positive and negative links of that network.

One of the things I've been investigating is how gossiping, reputation and cooperation affect each other (as in indirect reciprocity evolutionary models). Other topics involve community detection and ranking of nodes in such networks. I'd be happy to discuss things in more detail for those interested.

Looks like there are some interesting resources on the site, and some interesting e-mails are flying around. I'm sure there's room for some interesting discussions.


Vincent Traag

Vincent Traag
Universite Catholique de Louvain
Batiment Euler
4, avenue Georges Lemaitre
B-1348 Louvain la Neuve
Tel: +32-10-478039 (secr): +32-10-472597
Fax: +32-10-472180

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Howard Rheingold

Jan 6, 2011, 11:53:44 AM1/6/11
Welcome Katie, Vincent, Nasarullah! We need more summaries!

Bloggers welcome, too.

Howard Rheingold
what it is ---> is --->up to us

Katie King

Jan 6, 2011, 10:32:20 AM1/6/11
Thank you for including me. Happy New Year to everyone!

I've just finished a book -- Networked Reenactments: stories transdisciplinary knowledges tell -- coming out from Duke around this time next year. It led me to investigate global academic restructuring, alterations in knowledge work since the nineties, and the possible role a feminist "posthumanities" might play in using and understanding media and social media. 

I really want to know more about research in cooperation across a range of disciplines.

I think understanding cooperation is crucial to changes now occurring in education generally and higher ed. in particular. I'm interested in skills for explaining to a wide range of publics with very different interests why the work of academies matters. I want to know more about how to make strong transdisciplinary connections to other knowledge sectors. How to scale in for expertise, and to scope out to enable large infrastructural contexts.

I studied with anthropologist and cyberneticist Gregory Bateson in the 70s and his influence is still strong in how I think about complex systems and their workings. 

How to walk among knowledge worlds in the plural, and to care about many knowledge projects....

Katie King

Katie King
Associate Professor, Women's Studies
Affiliate Faculty, Comparative Literature and American, Performance and LGBT Studies
Fellow, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH)
2101 Woods Hall
University of Maryland
College Park MD 20742
office tel. 301.405.7294

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