[OK] How We'll Fund 21st Century Social Movements

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Suresh Fernando

Feb 16, 2011, 7:01:27 PM2/16/11
to openk...@googlegroups.com, Cooperati...@googlegroups.com, vancha...@googlegroups.com
Hi Everyone,

As many of you know I've been working on identifying and developing innovative models in both the open collaboration space as well as the social finance space.

The common theme that underlies all of my recent work is the realization of the power of networks and networked communication to radically alter how communities form, how people interact with each other etc. In that spirit I am pleased to say that I am working with Joe Brewer and the Cognitive Policy Works team to launch a crowdsourcing campaign to finance the development of a strategy to develop social movements. The details can be found here. Be sure to check out the video!

Using Crowdsourcing and Collaboration Principles to Build Social Movement

The objective of the campaign is to finance the development of a Strategy Handbook that addresses the following questions:
  • What are the most promising funding models and how do we start to use them?
  • Why aren’t more effective models available for funding social innovation?
  • What crowdsourcing and mass collaboration infrastructure is available to coordinate the activity of literally thousands of social innovators and activists that are working on similar problems?
  • What success stories can we point to?
  • What do we need to do in order to start building the infrastructure and funding models to mobilize thousands of social innovators and activists?

Longer Term Strategy

Upon completion, the handbook will be made freely available to everyone under a Creative Commons license.  If the crowd pays for it, the crowd will own it.

Also note that it is our plan not simply to research and develop a handbook in support of financing and developing social movements, we also plan to practice what we preach by working towards the implementation of the plan that we develop!

Please take the time to review our proposal and contribute to the development of the handbook! All contributions are greatly appreciated!!


Suresh Fernando

'The counter cultural revolution was a rhizomatic meshwork of loosely-coordinated, loosely-affiliated struggles. The goals of these struggles weren’t always complimentary, but the struggles were aligned and together they staged a mass offensive to shatter the status quo'. - from The Coalition of the Willing

Suresh Fernando

Feb 16, 2011, 7:43:36 PM2/16/11
to Tiberius Brastaviceanu, openk...@googlegroups.com, Cooperati...@googlegroups.com, vancha...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Tiberius! - lots to keep both of us busy. We should probably explore closer alignment at some point..

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Tiberius Brastaviceanu <tiberius.br...@gmail.com> wrote:
Nice Fernando, this handbook has been a long time coming. I am actually in the process of finding resources for some of the projects I am involved with. Great timing!  

This is a message from the OpenKollab Google Group located at http://groups.google.com/group/openkollab?hl=en
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