A new course offering from Rheingold U: Toward a literacy of cooperation

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Samuel Rose

Jun 29, 2011, 11:37:28 PM6/29/11
to Cooperati...@googlegroups.com
Join the community that's changing how we learn on the Web.

For the past ten years, I've worked with Institute for the Future to
track the emergence of a new story about how humans get things done
together. The old story of survival of the fittest, competition,
rational self-interest is changing as new knowledge comes to light
about cooperative arrangements and complex interdependencies in cells,
ecosystems, economies, and humans. In 2005, I delivered a TED talk
about this subject
http://www.ted.com/talks/howard_rheingold_on_collaboration.html ; the
video has been viewed more than 182,000 times. In the same year, I
co-taught a seminar at Stanford with Andrea Saveri of Institute for
the Future, "Toward a Literacy of Cooperation." This six week
Rheingold U course builds on the texts, videos, and other materials
developed over the past ten years. Under my direction, co-learners
will inquire, collaborate, discuss, co-construct knowledge about the
building blocks and conceptual frames of a new literacy of
cooperation. The course will run July 13 - August 26

The syllabus: http://socialmediaclassroom.com/host/cooperation
The schedule of live meetings:

Co-learners are strongly encouraged to read the texts and view the
videos before the course begins, in order to make room for 3-4 hours
each week reading and contributing in forums and blogs. Do not
underestimate your time commitment! Tuition is $250 for individuals,
$400 for employer-reimbursed co-learners. Indicate interest by
emailing how...@rheingold.com

Expect Participative & Collaborative Learning

Please read about how we conduct the class before you decide to join.
Active participation is required

You will participate regularly:


* forums,
* blogs
* blog comments
* mindmaps
* social bookmarks
* Twitter

Synchronously in weekly live sessions. The live sessions are multi-modal:

* streaming audio
* video
* slides
* text-chat
* shared whiteboard

Each weekly live session will be repeated twice -- once at 9 or 10 AM
Pacific and once at 5 or 6 PM Pacific. Attendance at all live sessions is
encouraged but not required. Participation in asynchronous forums is

In addition to your money, you'll give your active participation -- as much as
3-4 hours a week. More if you want to. But I don't want to take your money if
you can't commit yourself to participating regularly. Our intention is to
become a learning community, and that requires active participation on
everybody's part.

There will be assignments:

Class size is limited to 35. Those who have already requested to be waitlisted
for this course will have priority. If you plan to attend, please
contact how...@rheingold.com as soon as possible. Send your payment
through PayPal to Howard Rheingold h...@well.com

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or because you asked to be added to a notification list.

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Our mailing address is:
Rheingold U
306 Poplar
Mill Valley, California 94941

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Sam Rose
Hollymead Capital Partners, LLC
Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
email: samue...@gmail.com

"The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human
ambition." - Carl Sagan

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