A Conspiracy Theory for Everyone in New Clinton Docs

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Jul 29, 2016, 6:38:34 PM7/29/16
to Conspiracy Archive

Newly released internal documents from the Clinton White House have something for conspiracy theorists of all stripes.

While most people are familiar with conspiracy theories involving the Illuminati or the Freemasons, black-helicopter-fearing connoisseurs of modern conspiracism will tell you the real puppeteers of the New World Order are the members of the Bilderberg Group, a very real and very secretive clique of financial, government, and civil-society leaders.

Alex Jones, the broadcaster behind the multimillion-dollar InfoWars conspiracy media empire, has made a career out of shouting through bullhorns outside the group's annual meetings. So he's sure to find grist for his conspiracy-theory mill in new documents that show Hillary Clinton spoke at a meeting of the exclusive club in 1997. While there appear to be local contemporaneous press reports of the then-first lady's visit, it was not widely known, apparently even to InfoWars.


The internal emails between national security aides Tony Blinken and Peter Bass, published Friday by the Clinton Library, show that Hillary Clinton's speech touched on serious foreign policy items, including "a strong endorsement of immediate NATO membership for the Baltics." Unfortunately, little more is revealed.

If that's not satisfying enough, never fear—there are conspiracy theories no matter your political persuasion. For those on the Left, the new documents reveal extensive talks among White House staffers about a right-wing "conspiracy" against the president and his administration.

One document, for instance—no author is listed—attempts to trace the "communication stream of conspiracy commerce" behind several Clinton White House scandals. It dubs Richard Mellon Scaife, a huge funder of right-wing causes, "The Wizard Of Oz Behind The Foster Conspiracy Theory," in reference to former Clinton lawyer Vincent Foster, whose suicide prompted theories about foul play and political murder.

And finally, for those who doubt the official narrative of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, there are new documents showing a heated exchange between the then-director of the FBI and a board set up to review and release government documents pertaining to the assassination. The FBI protested the board's desire to release some records, saying the board was clueless about the need to protect the agency's security.

In all cases, the details are partial and incomplete, but that suits conspiracists just fine—they're more than happy to fill in the blanks with their own narratives.


Referenced in the following: http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/2015/06/10/flotus-at-bilderberg-no-not-michelle/

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