On the Table-- April 1 through 7

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Mike Stavlund

Apr 2, 2019, 10:13:11 AM4/2/19
to Common Table Church

For the record: If you ever have the chance to discuss a Bestselling, Pulitzer Prize-winning, National Book Award novel, if at all possible try to do so with two high school Honors Lit teachers... the kind of people who undertake a Master's degree in order to 'find time to write,' and who take the LSAT for fun. Dude. Seriously, it was an epic day for the Common Table Book Club! My head and my heart are still swollen. I'm sincerely sorry if you missed it!

We are excited to be back in our regular groove on Sundays, meeting again in our cozy, well-lit space at Good Shepherd at 10:15 on Sunday morning. We will be considering the readings from the Lectionary, looking for ways to encourage one another in the fulfilling work that God has ahead for each of us. We hope you will join us.

--Mike Stavlund

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