Cloud Solution for CommandFusion!!

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Mar 16, 2024, 10:17:38 PM3/16/24
to CommandFusion Hardware
 Hi, my name is Masahiro (You can call me Hiro) 
I am a president of a company called Green Works Japan which is official distributor of CommandFusion.

We'd like to be informed you that, we've developed a cloud solution called "Linked Online Service (LOS)"

<What is LOS?>
Your iViewer can access to LAN Bridge from outside without any special configuration on your router and firewall.
It's amazing!

<Not necessary>
There are not necessary!!!
-Port forwarding on your router
-Fixed IP address

<Brief of LOS System>
1) You turn on the LOS Bridge (placed same LAN as LAN Bridge)
2) LOS Bridge will make a tunnel to our LOS Cloud automatically.
3) Your iViewer make a session to LOS Cloud (instead of make a session with LAN Bridge).
4) If you press a button on your iViewer, then the command will reach to LAN Bridge.

<Easy Setting!!!>
What you have to is very easy.
1) Turn on the raspberry pi
2) On GUI Designer's "System", enter the  LOS Cloud name ( instead of IP address of LAN Bridge, and enter one authentication command.

3) That's all

<What is LOS Bridge?>
It's made by raspberry pi. (See this photo below)

<How can you get the raspberry pi>
No worry, will NOT ship the raspberry pi from Japan, because it's waste of time and money.
Once you order, we will send the image of raspberry pi.
Just download and burn it to your own USB memory. It's easy!!
So you can use your own raspberry pi!

1,000USD(Only Paypal is available)

Here is the URL of LOS.

If you are interested in, please contact below.
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