Are you trying to send serial data through the IR Port P01? If yes, the format would be \xF2\x11\xF3TIRXSPW\xF4P01:232:PowerOn\x0D\xF5\xF5. You can test the command using the IR Ports > Send Data and see the logging via System > View Log.
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ThanksPlease use the firmware version v1.6.9 as latest. We have made some minor fixes related to IR-serial transmission.Hi Deiby,You should use TIRXSND instead.
On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 4:44 AM, Deiby Rojas Montero <> wrote:
Hi Terencethe two strings have same problems.\xF2\x11\xF3TIRXSPW\xF4P01:PowerOn\x0D\xF5\xF5\xF2\x11\xF3TIRXSPW\xF4P01:232:PowerOn\x0D\xF5\xF5Solo respondóRSOLERRô002:00:TIRXSPW:P01:PowerON õõóRSOLERRô002:00:TIRXSPW:P01:232:PowerON õõ
2015-12-31 21:01 GMT-06:00 Terence <>:
Are you trying to send serial data through the IR Port P01? If yes, the format would be \xF2\x11\xF3TIRXSPW\xF4P01:232:PowerOn\x0D\xF5\xF5. You can test the command using the IR Ports > Send Data and see the logging via System > View Log.
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--Deiby Rojas Montero
Moncortec S.A.
Tel: 2263.6052
Cel: 6131.6332Skype:
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Jarrod Bell
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