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Sending command to CFSolo

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Mark Olsen

Sep 12, 2019, 3:42:48 PM9/12/19
to CommandFusion Hardware

Ultimately trying to send commands from iViewer to CFSolo.  

I can send IR command directly using TIRXSND within iViewer, but there is about a 4 second delay before the command is actually executed.  I have tried it from iViewer and from another system (Q-Sys core) with the same result.

First question is why is it taking so long?  Second, how to I access the IR commands as well as macros stored in the Solo from iViewer?  The System Commander method that works with the other hardware doesn't seem to work here.

Jarrod Bell

Sep 12, 2019, 7:07:21 PM9/12/19
The 4 second delay is quite strange, definitely not normal. I can send quite long IR codes and they react instantly, both via the on board blaster port and the wired emitter ports.
What connection method are you using? What is the command you are sending exactly?

The best way to get your command values is to pin the log on the Solo config page (after accessing the log page there is a pin button).
Then you can go and issue any command via the web config (such as trigger a macro, etc) and it will show in the log.
Then there is a copy button next to each log entry, allowing you to easily copy/paste the command into guiDesigner.


Jarrod Bell

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Mark Olsen

Sep 13, 2019, 8:44:03 AM9/13/19
to CommandFusion Hardware
I set up a TCP Client in guiDesigner. Only thing I set it the IP address.

Command is:
\xF2\x11\xF3TIRXSND\xF4P01:RAW:0000 006D 0000 0020 0009 0045 0009 001D 0009 001D 0009 001D 0009 0045 0009 0045 0009 0045 0009 001D 0009 0045 0009 001D 0009 001D 0009 0045 0009 001D 0009 0045 0009 001D 0009 0678 0009 0045 0009 001D 0009 001D 0009 001D 0009 0045 0009 001D 0009 001D 0009 0045 0009 001D 0009 0045 0009 0045 0009 001D 0009 0045 0009 001D 0009 0045 0009 0678\xF5\xF5

The GIU basically has two buttons and two commands for testing.  Nothing else.

Mark Olsen

Sep 13, 2019, 8:48:06 AM9/13/19
to CommandFusion Hardware
I just tried sending it from System Commander using the IR tab, sending raw and it is instant.  System Commander is how I copied the command in the first place.  I'm going to try it from another control system in a bit.

Mark Olsen

Sep 13, 2019, 8:55:40 AM9/13/19
to CommandFusion Hardware
Same thing from Q-Sys.  I set up a TCP connection on port 10207 and sent the same commands.  I get a 4 second delay.

Mark Olsen

Sep 13, 2019, 9:45:24 AM9/13/19
to CommandFusion Hardware
So here is the odd thing...
If I send a serial request
it executes immediately.

Jarrod Bell

Sep 13, 2019, 10:19:12 PM9/13/19
If you go to the log page on the Solo config, then send the command from the form at the top of the page, does it execute instantly?


Jarrod Bell

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Mark Olsen

Sep 16, 2019, 4:40:08 PM9/16/19
to CommandFusion Hardware
It works fine from the log page.
 So I figured out if I call TCFXRUN in iViewer pulling the IR command from the Solo it works instantly.

Such as: 
\xF2\x00\xF3TCFXRUN\xF4BaseBed BluRay\xF5\xF5 

but if I try to use


I get a 4 second delay.

This solves my problem since I wanted to store the commands in the SOLO anyway. It is still strange behavior though.

Jarrod Bell

Sep 16, 2019, 7:01:02 PM9/16/19
Sounds like a network issue specific to your setup in that case. Glad you got it sorted either way!


Jarrod Bell

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