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IR Blaster: What does the "IR in Jack" do exactly?

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Nahshon Williams

Nov 23, 2017, 8:25:17 AM11/23/17
to CommandFusion Hardware

I have connected an IR receiver to the Blaster, the "Recv" light responds to IR signals on from the TV remote. (nothing on he system commander activity log though)

Can I make an IR repeater with it?
I have a visually isolated apple TV 4, which can control the volume of the onkyo AV receiver via IR when you use the siri remote.

Do I learn the onkyo volume commands with the solo (it lives in a different room), then export the IR files to the IR blaster, then make a rule that re transmits the same IR from the apple IR to the blaster and then the Onkyo?

Or is there a way to just blast whatever comes in on the IR in jack?


Please include as much software version/hardware firmware version information as possible. This ensures that other users and CommandFusion staff can provide a helpful answer as quickly as possible.
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