I'm trying to create an IR File within Solo.
First I tried adding the device using the green +Function button and selecting 'From Online Database'.
I find the device I want, click test in the window to test several of the connands and they work fine. I add the selected functions, test them again and they don't work.
Then I tried to copy them from my Phillips Pronto database in CCF. Let's start with a tested and verified On command.
I edit the IR function on the solo, make sure Hex CCF is selected, paste the command in, press 'Test Code' and it works perfectly.
I hit 'Save Code', test it again and it doesn't work. When I go back in, it is a completely different code that doesn't look like any hex ccf I have ever seen.
The code I am working with is from a Yamaha RX-V665 receiver Power ON. It comes in from the database as:
0000 006D 0046 0002 0154 019B 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 06DE 0154 0147 0014 0F39 0154 019B 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 06DE 0154 0054 0014 0E46
If I copy and paste it from my Philips Pronto remote it looks like:
0000 006D 0022 0002 0155 00AA 0015 0015 0015 0040 0015 0040 0015 0040 0015 0040 0015 0040 0015 0040 0015 0015 0015 0040 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0040 0015 0015 0015 0040 0015 0040 0015 0040 0015 0040 0015 0040 0015 0040 0015 0015 0015 0040 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0040 0015 05ED 0155 0055 0015 0E47
and works perfectly through Pronto and Global Cache.
As soon as I save it, the Solo changes it to:
0000 006D 0022 0002 0154 019B 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0132 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0107 0014 0132 0014 06DE 0154 0054 0014 0E46
It looks like it is almost tripling the on duration of the PWM.
What am I doing wrong?