Introduction to CloudSeeding Group

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Bob Marcus

Jun 24, 2009, 2:00:52 PM6/24/09

There is growing interest in Cloud application development driven by the availability of Cloud Computing infrastructure resources. However there are many open issues involving tools, best practices, use cases, standards, integration, and interfaces that have to be addressed. Providing opportunities to exchange information on all these "Seeding the Clouds" issues will be very valuable.

To help fill this need, a Google Group has been created called CloudSeeding. The purpose of this Group is to provide a forum for discussing tools, \challenges, and best practices for the design, deployment, and management of Cloud applications, services, and workflows. Members are encouraged to post information, perspectives, questions, responses, announcements, lessons learned, issues, and proposed solutions. New members can join at and send postings to

Craig Lee

Jun 26, 2009, 12:56:14 PM6/26/09
to CloudSeeding

I really like this notion of cloud seeding. To be clear, though, the
goal is to seed the community
with _ideas_ for best practices, use cases, standards, tools, etc.
With this information exchange,
cloud vendors and start-ups (in the "community cloud") will produce
the actual best practices,
use cases, standards, and tools -- that then rain down on end-users
and enterprises ;->

To beat this metaphor even further (isn't the term "cloud" great for
metaphor abuse!),
end-user and enterprise requirements will have to evaporate up into
the cloud vendor community.
Closing this loop is critical and has to be part of our cloud seeding

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