Priorities for Cloud Use Cases and Standards?

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Bob Marcus

Feb 24, 2010, 10:45:31 PM2/24/10
The Cloud Standards Track  on March 17 at the Cloud Connect Conference  will include participation by leading Cloud providers, standards groups, and customer representatives. The goal of the final "Next Steps" Panel from 4:00 - 5:00 is to discuss possible coordinated activities for 2010 driven by customer requirements. To help achieve the goal of the Panel, Cloud customer input is being solicited on the key Use Cases and Standardizations that should be addressed. The lists below contain some possibilities.  Any feedback on the importance of these Use Cases and Standards (and suggested additions) to near-term Cloud Computing implementations will be very valuable.  Thanks.

Use Cases

    Private Cloud = Elastic (e.g. virtualized, on-demand) Data Center resources serving one enterprise
    Private Systems = Existing Internal Systems and/or Private Clouds

- Running applications in a private cloud
- Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure

- Using pay-per-use applications on public clouds
- Moving internal applications from private systems to public clouds
- Creating new applications on public clouds
- Storing data on public clouds

- Running application across private systems and public clouds
- Moving data across private systems and public clouds
- Using applications/data/resources hosted on a cloud shared with partners


- Federated security (e.g. identity) across Clouds
- Metadata and data exchanges among Clouds
- Standards for moving applications between Cloud platforms
- Standards for describing resource/performance capabilities and requirements
- Standardized outputs for monitoring, auditing, reports and notification
- Common  representations (abstract, protocols, APIs) for interfacing to Cloud  resources
- Cloud-independent representation for describing policies, SLAs,  and governance
- Portable tools for developing, deploying, and managing Cloud applications
- Orchestration tools for creating composite applications across Clouds


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