Churchill quoting Danton gave Canadian Naval Reserve's motto "De l'audace, encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace."

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Samuel Veniere

Apr 8, 2021, 6:00:59 PM4/8/21
to ChurchillChat


In Canada, the Naval Reserve's motto is "De l'audace, encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace". The words are from George Danton, a French revolutionary who pronunced them in a famous speech in 1792. 

I recently read that what inspired the Naval reserve to choose these words as a motto is a speech by Winston Churchill about the state of the Royal Navy in 1914, while he was first Lord of Admiralty. 

No matter how much I look, I can't find any trace of this speech. Does it ring a bell to you?

Thanks in advance!

Samuel V

Apr 8, 2021, 6:14:05 PM4/8/21
to ChurchillChat
Cannot find it in any speech. He used it in describing his 1899 escape from the Boers in both London to Ladysmith via Pretoria (1900) and My Early Life (1930). Also after writing the Malakand Field Force, in a letter to his mother:

15 December [1897] [Bangalore]
My dearest Mamma,
Again only a line. The book is all but finished. There are however facts to be verified and a few additional details which add to the interest to be inserted. You shall have the first MS in a fortnight. This please take to the publishers and find out what they will give and let them generally look into the matter. A fortnight later i.e. a month from now the finished MS will arrive and must be printed word for word. I am weary of the pen. I will send full directions with the MS.

Altogether my dash across the frontier has been a good business. De l'audace toujours de l'audace as Danton said.

I hope you will like the book. It is not much like the letters. I appear only as a spectator a footnote contains the only personal allusions merely explaining my connection with the force.
Dearest Mamma, Your ever loving son

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