Andrew Roberts YouTube Interview on Churchill Statue & BLM

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Rafal H. Mankoo

Jun 26, 2020, 5:56:18 PM6/26/20
The New Culture Forum think tank (of which I'm a Fellow) interviews Andrew Roberts about the Churchill statue, BLM, WSC's life etc. on its weekly interview programme "So What You're Saying Is..."

The 30-minute interview may be seen on YouTube at this link: or via the New Culture Forum website (which also includes other videos about the BLM statue protests / ongoing culture war etc.): .


Rafe Heydel-Mankoo
With Sir Winston Churchill back in the news, this week's guest on #SWYSI is the leading historian Andrew Roberts, author of arguably the finest one-volume Ch...

Andrew Smith

Jun 21, 2021, 6:20:35 PM6/21/21
to ChurchillChat
Thank you for posting that Rafe, 

that's very interesting.  I'm afraid I was pro-BLM at first, until I found out they were anti-Churchill.

Then I saw the news footage of a BMLer trying to burn the flag on the Cenotaph.

When I was a child I used to play in a Brass Band and we used to play Abide With Me and other hymns at the Cenotaph, so I felt great sadness when I saw that.

Best wishes,
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