The Tax Cut Deal; What Would Keynes Think?

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Christopher Hayes

Dec 13, 2010, 8:15:32 AM12/13/10
Hey all:

I've got a column in this week's issue of the Nation looking at the tax cut deal struck between the White House and Congressional Republicans:  "It's the standard bribery model of legislating that has come to characterize Washington in the era of oligarchy: if you want to put food on the table of the unemployed, you must lavishly wine and dine the CEOs and bankers who laid them off."

In the latest episode of our weekly audiocast, The Breakdown, economist Tyler Cowen attempts to explain just what Keynesianism is and whether the current tax cut proposal lives up to the name.

Finally here's a link to a great conversation I had with Sam Seder on his podcast The Majority Report. 

Hope everyone's enjoying the holidays. Stay warm.


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