We're Officially Up

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Christopher Hayes

Sep 15, 2011, 1:26:48 PM9/15/11
to christop...@googlegroups.com
Hey all:

Some exciting news. This Saturday at 7am EDT, my new show Up w/ Chris Hayes debuts on MSNBC. I'll have Nancy Pelosi as my guest live in studio during our debut.

UP will run every Saturday from 7-9am and Sunday from 8-10am. We've assembled a fantastic staff and needless to say I'm thrilled (and terrified!).

You can follow the show at our new blog here.

You can also check out our facebook page here. (Feel free to give us a "like" if you feel so inclined)

And you can watch a video of one our early paper rehearsals here (featuring me rapping along to Lil' Wayne, natch)

I hope you can watch and, failing that, urge your friends with Nielsen boxes to watch.



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