Fwd: MBE/SBE VendorConnect - Hillsborough County Supplier Diversity Day - Tues. Oct. 22nd, 2024 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

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sunny duann

Oct 2, 2024, 7:32:18 PM10/2/24
to Chinesec...@googlegroups.com, sunny duann

Hi Members and friends:
I am forwarding the business vendor opportunity from Hillsborough County. 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Sevaaetasi, Gwen <Sevaa...@hcfl.gov>
Date: Wed, Oct 2, 2024 at 12:21 PM
Subject: MBE/SBE VendorConnect - Hillsborough County Supplier Diversity Day - Tues. Oct. 22nd, 2024 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
To: Daryl Hych <d.h...@switzerhych.com>, sdu...@gmail.com <sdu...@gmail.com>, joe...@gmail.com <joe...@gmail.com>, Pres...@TampaHispanicChamber.com <Pres...@tampahispanicchamber.com>, in...@manasotabcc.org <in...@manasotabcc.org>, in...@naacphillsborough.org <in...@naacphillsborough.org>, con...@pfcblackchambertampabay.org <con...@pfcblackchambertampabay.org>, communi...@tblatinchamber.com <communi...@tblatinchamber.com>, in...@ulhc.org <in...@ulhc.org>, Ann Truong <anntruo...@yahoo.com>, exec...@cdcoftampa.org <exec...@cdcoftampa.org>
Cc: Sevaaetasi, Gwen <Sevaa...@hcfl.gov>



I hope this message finds you well.


I am reaching out to share an upcoming event that I believe would be of great interest to your chamber members and other businesses in your network. Our goal is to enhance awareness of the procurement needs of County departments while also highlighting the capabilities of our certified minority and small businesses. The event will feature presentations from County departments and agencies regarding the goods and services they procure, as well as opportunities for business networking. Additionally, we will conduct mini-workshops on topics such as “Certified with Hillsborough County - What’s Next” and “Resources & Tools for Subcontracting and Bidding.”


Please feel free to share this information with your members as you see fit. If you have any questions or need further details, do not hesitate to contact me directly. Thank you for your support!



Kind Regards,


Gwen Sevaaetasi, CCA

Special Projects Coordinator

Economic Development

MBE/SBE Programs


E: Sevaa...@hcfl.gov

P: (813) 274-6740| M: (813) 294-5930


601 E. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL 33602



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Please note: All correspondence to or from this office is subject to Florida’s Public Records law.



Final MSBE_Vendor Connect 2024_Flyer.pdf
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