W6BNB Bob Shrader's method of using a straight key.

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David J. Ring, Jr.

Nov 28, 2023, 12:01:43 AM11/28/23
to CFO google group
Bob Shrader's method of using a straight key.

Using the straight key

A desirable way of using a straight key is to place the tip of the first finger on the key knob at a position
of about 12 o’clock. with the thumb lightly touching the underside of the knob at about seven o‘clock.
Flip the three other fingers downward about halfway to the desktop. This should close the key and open
it again as the fingers swing back upward. Note that the wrist will push upward as the fingers go down.

This is a correct way to make a dot. If the wrist goes down when the key goes down, it is the arm that
is doing the keying. fingers are so much less tiring to use! [This is a major disputed opinion not shared
by the English, Japanese, and Scandinavian “long lever, pump handle type key” users! - Ed.]

I once sent messages with a straight key for five hours with no stopping, from the Yangtze
River to San Francisco, after my ship was bombed—but that's another story.)

Flip the fingers downward twice rapidly for two dots. Three times for three dots, etc. Practice making
some eight-dot groups. All dots should come out with equal timing. Note the wrist: Make sure it goes
up when the fingers go down. To make dashes, flip the fingers downward farther and hold the knob
down for at least three times as long ask with dots. Practice making dashes in groups of eight or .mere.

Note the wrist action with dashes—it should move farther upward than when making dots.

Practice making a string of 10 dot-dash (et et et) groups strung together. Then practice
making a string of 10 dash-dot (to to to) groups strung together. The next practice
is 10 dot-dot-dash-dot-dot-dash (eeteet eeteet eeteet) groups strung together. Then
10 “dash-dash-dot-dash-dash-dot” groups (ttette ttette ttette).

This Exercise will provide practice in starting and making most letters and numbers. 


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