Fw: News & Views | Clinton Camp Demands Sanders Change His 'Tone'

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El Techno Colibri

Mar 28, 2016, 10:16:25 PM3/28/16
to Vicky Acosta, Socorro Aguiar, Rebeca Aguilar, Veronica Aguiñaga, Denise Ahlquist, Rabah Al-Hassan, Manuel Alamillo, Elizabeth or Mauricio Alba - Hernandez, Mark Allen, Willia Allen, Jaime Alvarez, Ana / Carina, Melicia Anders, Gabriela Arismendi, Kristal Arteaga, Nancy Asirifi-Otchere, Ephraim T Assefa, Shannon Austin, Paul Avery, Selena Awoleye, Jamilyn Bailey, Patricia Baldenegro, Christina Bavone, Marina Becerra, Riza Belen, Buddy Bell, Saidah Binns, Rachel Blanco, Food Bombs, Melvin Britt, George Cardenas, Veronica Castro, Jimena Catarivas, Crystaline Charity, Ruben Chavez, chicagolatinonetwork, "chicagomayday@googlegroups.com", Erica Chu, Kryss Chupp, Stacey Collins, "Morlow H. Colvin", TyJuan Cratic, Eben Credit, Charity Crouse, Charity Crouse, Casa Guatemala, Luis Gutierrez, Jose Luis Gutierrez, Luis Gutierrez - MSRN, Chris Guzaitis, Enrique Guzman, Melanie Harding, Sandra Hudson, Wanda Hudson, Erik Hulon, Diego Garcia Montes de Oca, Beverly Wright, Javier Zavala, Abraham Duenas, Amigas Latinas, Armando Santana, Estela Juarez Avila, Denise James, Javier Zavala
Hola all:

I'm sending you a few connections to info that we all need, whether documented or undocumented, enjoy and pass on, 

Les mando algunas pequeñas conexiones sobre información que todos necesitamos, seamos documentados o no, aprovechen y manden más adelante, 

Guadalupe M. Avery Avila
We ask justice, we ask equality, we ask that all the civil and political rights that belong to citizens of the United States, be guaranteed to us and our daughters forever. // Pedimos justicia, pedimos igualdad, pedimos que todos los derechos civiles y politicos que son de los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos sean garantisados siempre a nuestras hijas.
—Susan B. Anthony, Declaration of Rights for Women, July 1876

On Monday, March 28, 2016 4:10 PM, Common Dreams <common...@commondreams.org> wrote:

News & Views | 03.28.16


  No NY Debate, says Clinton Campaign, Until Sanders Changes His 'Tone'
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Following landslide victories on Saturday in Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii, Sanders looks ahead to contests in Wisconsin, New York, and beyond.


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Reports of Sanders’ irrelevance to the full swath of Democratic voters are not just exaggerated, but laughable.
  The Fight Against North Carolina’s Anti-LGBT Law Heads to Court
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