23" Apple Cinema Display for 24 hrs?

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Shane Mecklenburger

Dec 2, 2012, 6:31:17 PM12/2/12
to ChNM
hi All, i'm seeking a 23" Apple Cinema Display for a 24 hr show @ New Capital in Chicago this Thurs for return on Fri.
if you have one or know someone who does, i'd not only take good care but also promise to replace w/ one in the same or better condition should anything happen.

..and of course you're all cordially invited to attend the reception from 7—10pm Thurs!

Shane Mecklenburger

NEW CAPITAL24_25_Shane_Mecklenburger.jpg

Christopher Furman

Dec 3, 2012, 3:14:46 AM12/3/12
to chicago-...@googlegroups.com
Shane, I have a 17" studio display model # M7649 you can have. For keeps, even. I know it's not what your looking for, but I thought I'd put it out there.

Christopher Furman
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