What's new at TDA for March 29, 2014

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Mar 29, 2014, 3:48:56 AM3/29/14
to Chapt...@googlegroups.com

Welcome to The Dark Arts's March 10, 2014 issue of ChapterOwls.
These are the new stories/chapters on The Dark Arts today:

Mentality by Annalisse Rubisher. Latest chapter 05.
Rating: 15. Spoilers: None. words.
Genre: Alternate Universe, Slash - Era: Multiple Eras
Main character(s): CFC_W, D, H, Hgrd, Nev
Ships: D/H
In the world of Harry Potter, things never turn out well. If only his hopes weren't always so quickly shattered. AU, creature!fic, slash, and depictions of child abuse.

Latest chapter: http://www.fictionalley.org/authors/annalisse_rubisher/mentality05.html

Regulus Kills Again (One-Shot) by capella_black. Latest chapter 01.
Rating: 15. Spoilers: OotP. words.
Genre: Angst - Era: The First War Against Voldemort (Cir. 1970-1981)
Main character(s): RAB
Ships: None
His missions for the Dark Lord begin to take a toll on Regulus Black.

Latest chapter: http://www.fictionalley.org/authors/capella_black/RKAO01.html

Tales of the Battle by Northumbrian. Latest chapter 13.
Rating: 15. Spoilers: HBP, DH. words.
Genre: Drama, Angst - Era: Harry and Classmates During Book Seven
Main character(s): None
Ships: None
Over fifty people died at the Battle of Hogwarts. There are dozens of stories of loss, betrayal, heroism and sacrifice. These are some of those stories.

Latest chapter: http://www.fictionalley.org/authors/northumbrian/TOTB13.html


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