And now, the end is here
And so I face the final curtain
--“My Way” sung by Frank Sinatra
The final curtain is here for Carl’s Quote of the Day… or maybe it’s just time for intermission. When I started Carl’s Quote of the Day I told myself it would not be a flash in the pan, but something that would go on for a while. “For a while” will be ten years next Monday. I could not find time to send any Carl’s Quote of the Day emails last week and that made me realize that perhaps it was time to stop. I won’t stop collecting quotes; I’ve been doing that since long before Carl’s Quote of the Day. Anyway, this is the last week for Carl’s Quote of the Day – maybe forever, or maybe I’ll send out something occasionally, or maybe I’ll resume every weekday at some point. I just don’t know. But this week the theme is “end.”
Oh, and if you really must have a daily quote, I recommend Duvall's Daily Quote to which you can subscribe by emailing
Carl’s Quote of the Day is a weekday email of quotes that are inspiring, managerial, leadership-related, or that I just like. Feel free to forward this email. In fact, please forward this email. On the web at
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