Hi all,
I am trying to create an MSImagingExperiment from scratch but I get this error:
object <- MSImagingExperiment(
imageData = imagedata,
featureData = MassDataFrame(as.numeric(featuredata$mass)),
pixelData = PositionDataFrame(run = factor(sample),
coord = coord_data))
Error in validObject(.Object) :
invalid class “MSImagingExperiment” object: 1: number of rows in 'featureData' must match number of rows in 'imageData'
invalid class “MSImagingExperiment” object: 2: number of rows in 'pixelData' must match number of columns in 'imageData'
here is the data:
> imagedata
SimpleImageArrayList of length 10
names(10): 894 929 ... 1289 1309
class(10): matrix matrix ... matrix matrix
dim(10): <975 x 275> <975 x 275> ... <975 x 275> <975 x 275>
mem(10): 9.35 MB 9.35 MB ... 9.35 MB 9.35 MB
> head(MassDataFrame(as.numeric(featuredata$mass)))
MassDataFrame with 6 rows and 0 columns
1 894
2 929
3 1044
4 1095
5 1116
6 1136
> head(PositionDataFrame(run = factor(sample),
+ coord = coord_data))
PositionDataFrame with 6 rows and 0 columns
:run: coord:x coord:y
<factor> <integer> <integer>
1 test 1 1
2 test 2 1
3 test 3 1
4 test 4 1
5 test 5 1
6 test 6 1
any hint would be appreciated, thanks!