I'm still encountering an issue with selecting a portion of the image using SelectROI. I've noticed that when I make a selection of my image in this way:
mseROI <- selectROI(mse, mz=500, plusminus=5, mode = "region")
and then try to crop the image:
mse_crop <- mse[mseROI]
and visualize it:
image(mse_crop, mz=500, plusminus=5)
What I end up with is not the selection I made, but something different. How can I improve this? Please see the attached images. I've experimented with various samples, including both large and small datasets, using both R and RStudio, both on PC and Mac. How can I remove the non-sample space from an MSI image? I've downloaded several datasets where the space not occupied by the sample is white.
Thank you for your help folk!