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Watch "How to make Billions with Forest Fires, Hurricanes and Wars? | Planet Finance | FD Finance" on YouTube

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Michael Hayes

Jan 10, 2025, 10:45:05 PMJan 10
to Carbon Dioxide Removal
Should a Catastrophe Bond, or CAT Bond, be created to help fund climate collapse mitigation and adaptation STEM development and deployment works? Successful CDR advancements, and other technical mitigation works, should put less CAT Funds at risk. 

Moreover, start-up actors in non-CDR tech advancement fields, that can produce significant mitigation and adaptation benefits, can also use this funding path. Hopefully, a well rounded group of such technically minded actors can work together for the greater good as well as further their own work. 

The creation of a wildfire catastrophe fund, and its response to a fire, is featured in this video. Solving for the much needed wildfire technical challanges clearly needs funding, and there are no C credits for kickstarting that type of advanced firefighting technical challange. CAT bonds that are advised by mitigation and adaptation STEM experts would likely be highly valued by most CAT bond investors. 
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