As someone who has struggled for years to develop CDR capacity at any scale at all, I've seen this unwillingness up close. Investors don't want to touch tragedy of the commons issues, even if you demonstrate to them how a solution can be profitable without carbon market subsidy. Every one of the many potential investors that has contacted us wants someone else to take the risk, no matter how "green" they present themselves to be.
There is tremendous competition for the scant grant / seed funding available from governments and nonprofits, and almost always these grants are restricted, not to what might make the most sense to address climate change at scale, but rather in a variety of irrelevant ways to the overall goal. It is as if there is some emergency, say an earthquake, and thousands of people flock to help to distribute food and water, and only 12 of them, based on arbitrary criteria laid out in a very long form that they all have to fill out and submit, are allowed, after a long vetting process, because there is only a very limited amount of food and water available.
Innovation is being suppressed for lack of funding. We're starving it. To me, this is the core problem that needs to be addressed.