Enhanced cation release via acid pretreatment for gigaton-scale geologic CO2 sequestration in basalt

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Geoengineering News

Nov 7, 2024, 1:38:58 PM11/7/24
to CarbonDiox...@googlegroups.com

Qin Zhang, Adedapo N. Awolayo, Patrick R. Phelps, Shafik Vadsariya, Christiaan T. Laureijs, Matthew D. Eisaman, Benjamin M. Tutolo

02 November 2024

•Acid pre-treatment of basalts leads to rapid cation releases to mineralize CO2.

•First experimental data of basalt dissolution kinetics in acidic environments.

•Basalt dissolution in acid is strongly non-stoichiometric. 

• The lack of Si-release prevents the formation of pore-clogging clays.

•Acid neutralization potential of basalt depends on water/rock ratio.

Basalt-based CO2 mineralization offers gigaton-scale capacity for sequestering anthropogenic CO2, but it faces challenges such as low cation productivity and formation of pore-clogging clays. A potential solution is to treat the basalt with aqueous acids such as HCl, a by-product of some electrochemical CO2 removal processes. To date, our understanding of basalt-acid interactions is limited to extrapolations from higher pH environments, and therefore little is known about the mechanisms of the reaction at acidic conditions. To address this knowledge gap, far-from-equilibrium dissolution rates of basaltic glass and crystalline basalt were measured in mixed flow reactors at pH 0 to 9, and temperatures from 23 to 60 °C, with a specific focus on the low-pH region.

Source: ScienceDirect

Chris Vivian

Nov 11, 2024, 6:51:33 AM11/11/24
to andrew....@gmail.com, CarbonDiox...@googlegroups.com

A potential use for some of the acid streams from Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement and Direct Ocean Capture techniques?



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