Coupling effects of CO2-induced ocean acidification and nitrogen enrichment on growth, photosynthesis and nitrogen utilization of an invasive seaweed (Sargassum muticum) - ScienceDirect

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Michael Hayes

Aug 3, 2024, 11:50:14 AMAug 3
to Carbon Dioxide Removal
Ocean acidification promotes growth of Sargassum muticum.

Both ocean acidification and enrichment of NO3−−N increase photosynthesis of Sargassum muticum.

Ocean acidification and NO3−−N enrichment non-synergistically enhance invasiveness of S. muticum.

MH] This type of biological advantage can best be used within photobioreactors as opposed to open water cultivation as cultivation conditions can be idealized within PBRs. Most importantly, the nitrogen can be provided by nitrogen fixing freshwater azolla crops grown in freshwater PBRs alongside the seaweed saltwater PBRs. Moreover, shipping treated municipal waste water out to marine desert locations to use as fertilizer is likely not a significant cost barrier due to recent advancements in marine transport tech. 

At the policy level, as the municipal 'waste' material is fully utilized and not 'dumped' into the water, thus there are no conflicts with international policies prohibiting the dumping of wastes.

Protecting coastal waters from sewage outflows, drawing down/converting CO2 via multiple methods, even shading vast areas of oceanic deserts by simply stationing the infrastructure there would all likely be welcomed by policy makers and the general public. Making it profitable would be welcomed by the CDR investors.

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