That this kind of paper passes peer review is unbelievable!
It must have been reviewed by people who don’t understand either the ocean or the carbon cycle.
They say:
The water pumped up is mostly old enough to be equilibrated under preindustrial pCO2atm levels (∼275 ppm; Figure 3c) and bringing it in contact with an elevated pCO2atm level (>400 ppm, except for the no-emission scenario) results in a carbon flux from the atmosphere into the ocean, which also increases under higher emission scenarios
The claim that deep waters are in equilibrium with paleo CO2 levels is entirely false, deep waters are highly elevated in CO2 from decomposition of organic matter in the ocean and sediments, so upwelled water degasses CO2 to the atmosphere so the net effect is the opposite of what is claimed.
Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD
President, Global Coral Reef Alliance
Chief Scientist, Blue Regeneration SL
President, Biorock Technology Inc.
Technical Advisor, Blue Guardians Programme, SIDS DOCK
37 Pleasant Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
Skype: tomgoreau
Tel: (1) 617-864-4226 (leave message)
Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon Sequestration, and Reversing CO2 Increase
Innovative Methods of Marine Ecosystem Restoration
No one can change the past, everybody can change the future
It’s much later than we think, especially if we don’t think
Those with their heads in the sand will see the light when global warming and sea level rise wash the beach away
Geotherapy: Regenerating ecosystem services to reverse climate change
From: <> on behalf of ayesha iqbal <>
Date: Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 5:27 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: [CDR] Artificial Upwelling—A Refined Narrative
The current narrative of artificial upwelling (AU) is to translocate nutrient rich deep water to the ocean surface, thereby stimulating the biological carbon pump (BCP). Our refined narrative takes the response of the solubility pump and the CO2 emission scenario into account. Using global ocean-atmosphere model experiments we show that the effectiveness of a hypothetical maximum AU deployment in all ocean areas where AU is predicted to lower surface pCO2, the draw down of CO2 from the atmosphere during years 2020–2100 depends strongly on the CO2 emission scenario and ranges from 1.01 Pg C/year (3.70 Pg CO2/year) under RCP 8.5 to 0.32 Pg C/year (1.17 Pg CO2/year) under RCP 2.6. The solubility pump becomes equally effective compared to the BCP under the highest emission scenario (RCP 8.5), but responds with CO2 outgassing under low CO2 emission scenarios.
Artificial upwelling (AU) is a proposed marine carbon dioxide removal (CDR) method, which suggests deploying pipes in the ocean to pump deep water to the ocean's surface. This process theoretically has several different impacts on the surface layer including an increase in the nutrient concentration, as well as a decrease in surface water temperature. Changes in the carbon cycle and associated with biological components are covered by the biological carbon pump (BCP), while changes via physical-chemical processes are covered by the solubility pump. Using numerical ocean modeling and simulating almost globally applied AU between the years 2020 and 2100 under several different atmospheric CO2 emission scenarios, we show that AU leads under every simulated emission scenario to an additional CO2-uptake of the ocean, but the potential increases under higher emission scenarios (up to 1.01 Pg C/year (3.70 Pg CO2/year) under the high CO2-emission scenario RCP 8.5). The individual contribution via the BCP is under every emission scenario positive, while the processes associated with the solubility pump can lead to CO2-uptake under higher emission scenarios and CO2 outgassing under lower emission scenarios.
Figure 2
Theoretical concept of the processes stimulated by artificial upwelling (black lines) and their impact on the air-sea CO2 flux and the surface ocean (box below air-sea boundary). Arrows in the atmosphere indicate air-sea CO2 flux direction, arrows in the ocean indicate tracer movement and colors red/blue indicate respective water temperature increase/decrease. (a) Covers the increase in primary production and export production associated with the biological carbon pump (green), (b)–(e) cover the impacts of the individual processes associated with the solubility pump.
Source: AGU
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Several other artificial upwelling proposals with precisely the same mistake have been published and posted on the CDR list, and some have fooled investors out of millions of dollars.
Figure 2
Theoretical concept of the processes stimulated by artificial upwelling (black lines) and their impact on the air-sea CO2 flux and the surface ocean (box below air-sea boundary). Arrows in the atmosphere indicate air-sea CO2 flux direction, arrows in the ocean indicate tracer movement and colors red/blue indicate respective water temperature increase/decrease. (a) Covers the increase in primary production and export production associated with the biological carbon pump (green), (b)–(e) cover the impacts of the individual processes associated with the solubility pump.
Source: AGU
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The purpose of artificial upwelling (AU) is to bring up nutrients to enable phytoplankton productivity to increase and thereby raise the pH of the ocean surface, i.e. reduce the concentration of hydronium ions. A raised surface pH reduces pCO2 and so increases the rate of atmospheric CO2 absorption.
Some parts of the ocean do indeed have a much lower pH at around 500m depth. These tend to be areas where surface productivity is already high. As dead organic material sinks down it rots, i.e. oxidizes to carbonic acid. (But the ocean is strongly buffered by the carbonate system, so it only makes a pH difference of < 1.)
Better areas for AU are therefore those that do not already have a high phytoplankton productivity at the surface and a corresponding low pH ~ 500 m below. Many of those unproductive areas have useful nutrients a few hundred meters down.
The best driver of upwelling would be to reverse the currently increasing surface stratification being caused by its rapid warming, which is curbing surface mixing. That cooling happens naturally every time the ocean surface is shaded from the sun by a marine cloud. A benefit of increased phytoplankton growth is their DMS emissions leading to marine cloud nucleation.
It’s a self-reinforcing mechanism that’s not often mentioned.
From: <> On Behalf Of Mike Landmeier
Sent: 22 February 2023 21:42
To: Carbon Dioxide Removal <>
Subject: Re: [CDR] Artificial Upwelling—A false Narrative
Removing CO2 from the air via the ocean has nothing to do with removing CO2 from the ocean. Removing CO2 from the air via the ocean is all about managing the hydrogen ion concentration at the ocean-atmosphere interface.
Figure 2
Theoretical concept of the processes stimulated by artificial upwelling (black lines) and their impact on the air-sea CO2 flux and the surface ocean (box below air-sea boundary). Arrows in the atmosphere indicate air-sea CO2 flux direction, arrows in the ocean indicate tracer movement and colors red/blue indicate respective water temperature increase/decrease. (a) Covers the increase in primary production and export production associated with the biological carbon pump (green), (b)–(e) cover the impacts of the individual processes associated with the solubility pump.
Source: AGU
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Figure 2CaptionTheoretical concept of the processes stimulated by artificial upwelling (black lines) and their impact on the air-sea CO2 flux and the surface ocean (box below air-sea boundary). Arrows in the atmosphere indicate air-sea CO2 flux direction, arrows in the ocean indicate tracer movement and colors red/blue indicate respective water temperature increase/decrease. (a) Covers the increase in primary production and export production associated with the biological carbon pump (green), (b)–(e) cover the impacts of the individual processes associated with the solubility pump.
Source: AGU
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"The water pumped up is mostly old enough to be equilibrated under preindustrial pCO2atm levels etc etc…”
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Would the intent be to store heat energy or to stimulate
additional biological activity. For the former, I'd guess the
effort would far exceed the climatic benefit; if the latter, might
be an interesting question for aquaculture, but again likely too
small to have global carbon cycle benefits relative to the effort
to sustain it.
Mike MacCracken
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There are vast populations of light limited Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus nanno-algae at great depth near the nutricline, where there are sufficient nutrients for them to grow faster if they had more light. They may be fussy about the light spectrum. This is an easy experiment to directly experimentally check so the costs and benefits can be based on measurements, not guesses.
Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD
President, Global Coral Reef Alliance
Chief Scientist, Blue Regeneration SL
President, Biorock Technology Inc.
Technical Advisor, Blue Guardians Programme, SIDS DOCK
37 Pleasant Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
Skype: tomgoreau
Tel: (1) 617-864-4226 (leave message)
Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon Sequestration, and Reversing CO2 Increase
Innovative Methods of Marine Ecosystem Restoration
No one can change the past, everybody can change the future
It’s much later than we think, especially if we don’t think
Those with their heads in the sand will see the light when global warming and sea level rise wash the beach away
Geotherapy: Regenerating ecosystem services to reverse climate change
From: <> on behalf of Bhaskar M V <>
Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 12:44 AM
To: Michael MacCracken <>
Cc: Carbon Dioxide Removal <>
Subject: Re: [CDR] Artificial Upwelling—A false Narrative
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