Spitzer VS Vitter

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Mar 12, 2008, 7:46:43 PM3/12/08
to Car Insurance Info Page
Spitzer is gone will Vitter follow?
After years of Spitzer's holier then thou attitude, the Governor of
New York announces his resignation at a press conference.
Eliot Spitzer (Client # 9) with his wife, Silda Wall Spitzer, at his
side, announced that His resignation will take effect on Monday. For
those with out a TV, comes two days after news broke that he had been
a customer of a very high price prostitution ring.

Spitzer's resignation call into question when David Vitter will also
drop out of his position in the senate.
This after his phone number showed up on a list of phone records in
the case against Deborah
Jeane Palfrey, aka "the D.C. Madam."
The list of politicians disgraced in sex scandals is a long one,
including some of the very "Founding Fathers" of this country.

Republican Senate. Larry Craig, ( Wide- Stance ) of Idaho, in August
2008, pleaded guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct in a sting that
targeted Gay sex in a Minneapolis men's airport bathroom.

Republican Rep. Mark Foley, of -Florida., resigned last fall after it
was discovered he was sending sexually explicit messages to underage
male pages.

Republican James McGreevey resigned as the governor of New Jersey in
November 2004 after admitting to an affair with a male employee.

Democrat President Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998 for lying under
oath in a probe into his extramarital affair with intern Monica
Lewinsky. This leaving parent everywhere
trying to explain to their 10 year old children, why "The Blue Dress"
was important in the case.

Republican Senator Bob Packwood, Ore., in 1995 resigned his seat after
being accused of sexual misconduct by 29 women. Creating an income
stream for those that
offer Sexual Harassment sensitivity classes .
Republican Rep. Donald Lukens, of Ohio, was convicted for paying a 16-
year-old girl to have sex with him in 1988

These are just a fraction of those that one could list. Clearly these
actions are taking place of both sides of the "Left" and "Right" These
acts seem to come up so often that they almost seem like part of the
job description.

It is sad to see a man's life time of hard work flushed down the
drain, but he is the one that pulled the lever.

Larry Lubell
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