A twist

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Jan 21, 2024, 9:45:23 AMJan 21
to capeb...@googlegroups.com

Hi all,

       The notice board indicates that the company responsible for the salt works on the Berg River is Cape Salt. Further investigation reveals that "Khoi San Salt" is responsible for the area.





Jan 22, 2024, 5:08:58 AMJan 22
to Dave&Sue, capeb...@googlegroups.com



This is quite interesting.


Before now, well over a year or so ago the company who took over from Cerebos, was Royal Salt.

They were quite happy to accommodate birders and this was when Jan Kotze was managing Kliphoek.

So it seems ownership has changed yet again.


Khoi San Salt, I had dealings with many years ago (10+) when BirdLife South Africa were planning branding their salt products ‘For the Birds’, with a portion of each sale going to sea/coastal bird conservation. They lost distribution through major retailers, so it never got beyond pack design development.

Point being, they are (were) very pro birds. Their logo even has an African Black Oystercatcher.


Their main salt works is halfway up the road to Dwaarkersbos from Laaiplek.


I even think there was a bird count organised at their works a few years ago, Brian van der Walt would know more, as he took part I think.






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