Editorial in "The Change of Michoacan" newspaper: Sempra is an example of an attack on Mexican nationality.

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Hans Laetz, Newsgroup Editor

Feb 17, 2011, 12:20:33 PM2/17/11
to California LNG News
Editor's note: this in an editorial that is one of several that have
appeared in distant cities in Mexico. The entire editorial is below,
translated by Google. Here are some highlights, translated by me:

- Sempra claims to be an honorable company but has paid $787 million
in fines for its complicity in the California energy fraud of 2001.
- "Yankees" turned down dangerous, highly polluting LNG plants in
California but plopped this [unmentionable] in Mexico.
- Ensenada officials have Sempra pipelines crossing their municipality
but have no operational plans or emergency plans from the company.
- Gas flows to the "United Terrified (USA)" at mexican expense.

Sempra Energy: An example of the denationalization of the country
Samuel Maldonado B.

Sempra is an international corporate and includes several companies,
among which are San Diego Gas and Electric Co, Southern California Gas
Company, Sempra LNG, Sempra Pipelines & Storage, Sempra Generation.
What is its chief executive Donald E. Felsinger and the main efforts
of this consortium, and suggests its own chairman, is to be involved
in the energy supply everywhere. Its activity has been located in one
of the largest companies in natural gas supply, seeking to situate
anywhere in the world.

It was created in 1998 through the merger of various companies or
public utilities owned by investors with very "long-standing and
highly respected history," they say. It turns out that Sempra has been
sued for handling multiple loans and contracts for electricity during
the energy crisis of 2001 in the state of Calfornia, in the
neighboring country. In 2006 the company agreed to pay $377 million to
resolve claims not supplied with gas, and in 2010 another $410
million,in a settlement that allowed everyone to keep silence to
resolve "certain complaints about unfulfilled agreements,
notwithstanding the above, has never admitted that it acted

His main aspiration is, in their advertisements, I quote: "To improve
shareholder value and meet customer needs by maintaining financial
strength, operational flexibility and skilled workforce necessary to
succeed in the conditions rapidly changing market. " On the other side
of the coin say they want: "Employees bright, motivated from diverse
backgrounds who take the initiative to address today's energy
challenges and develop creative solutions for our future. In return,
you can expect an inclusive and professional work, with commissions,
professional development, and compensation and excellent benefits. "
That's what they say, but ... what do they do?

It turns out that the authorities of the municipality of Ensenada,
where the company located its Costa Azul, Sempra Energy, did some
research on how to it built its LNG terminal and found serious
irregularities and violations of various laws related to environment
plus a permit vacuum by the previous municipal authority. The city had
"no legal authority to grant it, but also the company was accused that
despite" the nitrogen injection pipes of the questioned property
industry cross different towns of Ensenada, to date the company has
not submitted plans to the municipality civil work and manual
operation risk.

Therefore, the city of Ensenada in fulfilling its responsibilities,
undertook the "temporary total closure" of the company that
transports, stores and distributes natural gas to both a particular
power plant in Mexico and the "United Terrified" despite operational
irregularities. Of course, the opposing party denies these anomalies
and to avoid the closure not only sought an injunction, but the
federal government came in and submissive explicitly ordered the
deployment of military forces (now multi-purpose) to remove seals and
closing protect facilities and foreign interests of the threat of
municipal authorities.

But the underlying problem is not the violation of Mexican law that
made foreigners or harassment by local authorities. The comment is in
the sense that the construction of these facilities were challenged
from the outset about the dangers of contamination of waters and
beaches, and because the Yankee authorities prohibited the
construction of such facilities on the coast of California, north of
the border, precisely the company wanted to plop a highly polluting
"yankee" down here. [Editor's note: an somewhat more insulting idiom
was used for the second "yankee" involving the unchastity of a woman).

With the old nationalist governments (we would say anachronistic)
support for these businesses was more than a dream, but did economic
liberalism and began to contract out the electrical power generation
from the Commission Federal de Electricidad, to store and get our
generators to buy energy from foreign industries, what we have
besieged (in terms of militia) to Mexicans and the entire country.

Today because the federal forces as a whole are used for multiple
purposes, to combat organized crime, to amuse the president, to serve
as bodyguards for officials at various levels and even to protect
foreign interests, Way to go Mexico!
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