La Journada newspaper in Ensenada: Issue of closing Sempra plant not over, says mayor

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Hans Laetz, Newsgroup Editor

Feb 17, 2011, 12:02:50 PM2/17/11
to California LNG News
Ensenada, BC, February 14. The temporary closure of the natural gas
plant for Sempra Energy by the municipality of Ensenada last Friday
was broken when the state government destroyed the seals that kept the
company closed, and now the Mexican Army remains guarding access to
the facility and allowing its operation.

Three days of that event, the mayor of the port city, Enrique Pelayo,
said that in the context of municipal and state law the action does
not end the closure, because the state administration's actions are
absolutely illegal.

In an interview, insisted that the decision to close the gas plant due
to its responsibility for the common interest, safety of citizens and
the ecological environment, and underlies the defense of the autonomy
of free and sovereign municipality.

The PRI mayor, who has received multiple death threats to him and his
family, and now is the subject of a media campaign he compared with
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, and is accused of inferior mental
faculties or being an addict. He believes that such reactions are
evidence of the desperation and the few legal arguments that are
holding the MNC to contest the decision to temporarily close the gas

Pelayo, who in recent days has gained notoriety for having faced the
illegalities of the Sempra, states that the right is legal. It also
suggests that the federal and state congresses ordered to intervene in
the case of the regasification plant, compared to the backlog of
complaints and violations against the subsidiary of the MNC.

"The closure is attached to right and exclusive authority vested in
the municipality, such as regulating land use. We take care of every
detail, from the verification of Sempra record, we find a number of
irregularities and violations of rules.

Our main concern is and will be the terminal of Sempra Energy complies
with the law, and thereby ensure the necessary conditions for Ensenada
every day we live calmly.

Q: His critics insist that there is no reason to act as he did. What
led him to opt for closure?

A: Warrants and points of agreement sent from the Congress and the
State Congress, where senators and federal deputies and asked us to
investigate this council the conditions under which was the case and,
accordingly procediéramos with according to law . Under no
circumstances could make us blind eye to such illegal and especially
by the size of the risk that Sempra Energy terminal presents to the
people of Ensenada.

Q: Are you in the right legal?

A: I'm fully convinced that I am acting under the scheme right and
everything I do with accountability. I am determined that my
government is not noted in any conspiracy or collusion with anyone.
People are tired of the impunity and lack of transparency of previous
administrations, the chair that is committed and will always be
attached to the framework of the law.

Q: What kind of interest do you play this? Now spreads the idea that
is crazy.

A: So they say those affected, who are many, and yes we've played top-
level interest, I think.

Q: As a matter of some local businessmen, with the closure of Sempra
you away and discourages private investment.

A: On the contrary, with the actions of my government generate the
necessary legal certainty for any investor.

Q: What would happen if an incident or event that is present in the
liquefied natural gas terminal?

A: To date this council does not have any information from Sempra
Energy to allow us to establish the scope of any event, that is, the
company will never give out an impact study of risk, an issue which is
bound by law or manual or drawing showing the trajectories of the
pipes through which the liquefied natural gas. We are blind, and that
is a grave irresponsibility of municipal, state and federal.

Q: Do you fear any retaliation against you or someone from your

A: So far we have received is an orchestrated media surge from the
state government officials from second and third level. Nowhere have I
heard or read strong arguments with legal support; only been devoted
to trying to discredit a clearly legal action undertaken by my

(Roberto Garduño)
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