Missing Connections into & through Congress Park

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Bryan Wilson

Nov 27, 2024, 10:20:04 AMNov 27
to Denver 311, DOTI Advisory Board, in...@denverstreetspartnership.org, Bike Streets, in...@ccdconline.org, Disability Access, City Council District 10, City Council District 5, Office of Councilwoman Sarah Parady, Office of Councilwoman Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez

I would like to start identifying the missing connections & hazards in Congress Park after the completion of the Congress Park Projects.

May I please meet with someone with Denver DOTI to point out the specific issues & plan to get the addressed one-by-one once funding is available?

Generally speaking, we're missing key ramp installations that prevent ADA Compliant Access & even create hazardous conditions for bike commuters.

Thank you,
Bryan Wilson 
Congress Park for ALL 
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