Safe Snow Routes to School for Winter of December 2024 - February 2025

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Bryan Wilson

Oct 30, 2024, 12:38:36 PM10/30/24
Hello All,
Winter is coming! This year, I thought we could get a jump on things so that we're ready for the first snow accumulation when it arrives.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it...
Help clear a Safe Snow Route to School on the way to your local Elementary, Middle, or High School. After clearing your front sidewalk of snow & ice, simply start walking toward the closest school to you. At the end of your block, ensure that access to the sidewalk ramp & crosswalk is cleared of snow & ice. That's it!

Attached is an article I wrote for publishing in the Congress Park Neighbors newsletter. It may also be found linked in this Google Folder:  CPN Newsletter Article Drafts by Bryan Wilson
Unfortunately, I don't believe that it was ever published...

I've sent this to many RNO Contacts in the City of Denver, as well as Business Improvement Districts. My suggestion for each BID is to contract with a single snow removal company to plow all the sidewalks & crosswalks the length of your BID. This will ensure that every corner & bus stop is accessible after a snow storm. As a friendly reminder, businesses are expected to begin clearing snow immediately after a snowfall. When businesses don't open until later in the day, this creates accessibility issues for those who rely on local bus stops to get to/from work each day.

Perhaps this is something that our Denver City Council Offices can each help organize within their respective districts. That way, each Registered Neighborhood Organization & Business Improvement District will have a central office ensuring that local bus stops & businesses are accessible to their constituents.

Is there a group or organization that wants to partner with Denver City Council on this?
Perhaps there are funds available to be distributed to each BID to help off-set the cost of contracting with snow removal companies to clear the sidewalks & bus stops.

Thank you in advance for your help in ensuring safe & reliable access to ALL!
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Bryan Wilson
Congress Park for ALL

On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 12:07 PM Bryan Wilson <> wrote:
Just confirming receipt of this email as I didn't get a response.
I would like to present at the upcoming Congress Park Neighbors meeting for the Mobility Team that I'm forming in Congress Park.

I would also like to confirm receipt of the articles I sent for publication in the Newsletter.

I'm still working on the Pickleball article as well as planning a Colfax BRT article as a follow-up to the presentation last night & the upcoming presentation for June 14th.

I also still submit my candidacy to fill any vacant seats on the Board of Directors per the Bylaws that were not amended by a quorum of the membership nor ratified at the next membership meeting. 

Please confirm receipt of the email & let me know when I can speak during the meeting about the Congress Park Mobility Team. I also request confirmation that the "Congress Park Mobility Team with Bryan-by-Bike" article will be published in the next newsletter.

Thank you,
Bryan Wilson

On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 11:19 AM Bryan Wilson <> wrote:
Hello Congress Park Neighbors Board Members,

I would like to please present at the June 21st Meeting about the Congress Park Mobility Team I'm organizing. It will be separate from the Congress Park Neighbors RNO, but anyone in Congress Park who is interested in Safe Mobility in & through Congress Park is welcome to join. I would only need 10 minutes to present.

I've also attached a PDF article I would like to publish in the next CPN Newsletter, "Congress Park Mobility Team with Bryan-by-Bike."

Let me know what else you need from me to both present at the June 21st meeting & have my article published.

Thank you,
Bryan Wilson

From: Congress Park Neighbors,Inc <>
Date: Fri, Jun 2, 2023 at 3:53 PM
Subject: News In Congress Park
To: Bryan <>

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Save the Date! Congress Park Neighbors June 21

In the coming weeks, Denver Water will begin a five-mile pipe replacement project along East Colfax Avenue between Broadway and Yosemite streets.

Starting early Saturday, June 3, Denver Water will kick off a project to replace nearly 5 miles of aging pipe along East Colfax Avenue. The project will begin in the intersection of East Colfax Avenue and Broadway, requiring a full closure of the intersection until 7 p.m. Saturday.

Additional work may be required Sunday, June 4, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

A signed detour route will be in place throughout the weekend.

Then, on Monday, June 5, crews will begin work on East Colfax Avenue between Broadway and Yosemite Street, working in two- to three-block segments at a time. The entire project should be complete by the end of 2024.

The first segment, from Broadway to Sherman Street, will be completed at night, with lane closures in each direction on East Colfax Avenue from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Work will then take place during daytime hours for the remainder of the project. Local access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout the project.

Work beyond this weekend will occur Monday through Friday, although some weekend work may be required. Construction schedules are also subject to change due to weather and may be altered to accommodate major events in Denver.

Commuters should expect delays in this area. For more information or to sign up to receive updates, we encourage folks to visit

Denver Water and RTD are coordinating to minimize impacts to bus routes throughout the project. For more information about bus routes, visit RTD Service Alerts.

The pipe replacement work is taking place in advance of the upcoming East Colfax Bus Rapid Transit project, which is being led by the Denver Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, in partnership with RTD, Colorado Department of Transportation, the Federal Transit Authority and the City of Aurora.

Lead service line replacements

Denver Water cares about public health and will replace any customer-owned lead service line with a copper water line, at no direct charge to the customer, when discovered during a project. Replacements are coordinated with the property owner on a one-on-one basis.

Project resources

Denver Water will provide updates throughout the project via email and the social media platform Nextdoor. For more information, or to sign up to receive project updates, visit or contact Denver Water Customer Care at 303-893-2444, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 


Viva! Streets, Welton To Broadway June 4
Denver is closing streets to motorized vehicles once a month to draw more people downtownOne Sunday every month through August there will be exclusive lanes for pedestrians, bicyclists and other two-wheelers who want to have some family time
Denver INC Motion
Congress Park Neighbors is a member of Denver Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation a consortium of Denver Registered Neighborhood Organizations (RNO) across the city.  A motion has been brought to the membership that INC support the the citizen-led 2023 Greener Denver Platform. The Platform contains recommendations on ways to combat climate & sustainability issues for the incoming Mayor, City Council and other elected officials through a lens of equity and environmental justice. 
Please see the following text and information about this motion.  In June the CPN delegates to INC will be asked to vote.  Please see the information and take the survey with recommendations to support, non-support or abstain.
From Colfax Bus Rapid Transit- June Workshops & Colfax BRT Survey Results!

June 2023 Community Workshops

We invite you to attend one of two upcoming community workshops to talk about how people will move more reliably, safely and sustainably along East Colfax with Bus Rapid Transit. What will it look like to take the bus, drive, walk and roll through the corridor once the BRT is running? What can you expect?

To inform this conversation, we’re pleased to share the East Colfax BRT Transportation Report, which measures the effects of the BRT on bus travel times, bus ridership, vehicle travel times and traffic diversion.

Check out our new Col-FAQs: On the Street series to learn more. You can also read the executive summary and full report on the project website.

As each area of East Colfax is unique, we ask that you attend the workshop that best aligns with where you live, work or visit most often.

Workshop 1: Broadway to Colorado Blvd.

  • When: Wednesday, June 7 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. MT
  • Where: Carla Madison Recreation Center (2401 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80206) or on Zoom
  • Register: RSVP to attend in-person or virtually
Police District 2 Community Meeting

District 2 Community Advisory Board

Who: Your District 2 Command Staff and the Officers who serve you, would like to invite you to join us for an informational meeting.

What: The Community Advisory Board, gives you an up to date look at crime trends and issues going on in District 2. Allows you to ask questions and get information about events and crime safety tips specific for our neighborhoods.

When: The meetings are the 4th Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm-7:00pm

  June 28th, July 26th,

August 23rd, September 27th, October 25th, November 22th

Where: District 2 3921 N. Holly St., Denver CO 80207

Why: The Denver Police Department is committed with partnering with the community to help reduce crime and increase public safety

Questions: Email or call 720-913-1000

Winter/Spring Newsletter 2023
Your Congress Park News needs your help. We lost a couple of volunteers during the pandemic. Please consider donating a few hours quarterly to help keep the newsletter vibrant, timely and informative. We are looking for assistance with layout (using inDesign), and advertising communication (you choose the tools). Your neighbors will appreciate your assistance, possibly even with a small stipend. If you have time and talents to share, please call wendy, your volunteer editor, right away, at 303-355-3735. Please share this with your gifted neighbors, in case they haven’t seen it.

DOTI is offering staff to move bins to the street for people who can’t do it themselves, and is letting residents roll bins to the end of the alley instead. Residents can also have someone from DOTI come to their house personally to discuss options. Please contact 311 to request that service and please drop a note to cpnboard@congressparkneighbors to let us know the outcome.

We need volunteers to deliver our newsletter for the following routes: Give it a whirl, it only takes 30 minutes every 3 months
Current Routes Open That Need YOU!!
  • 1000, 1100, 1200,1300,1400 blocks of Elizabeth
  • 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 blocks of Josephine
  • 1100 and 1200 blocks of Cook
  • 700 and 800 blocks of Garfield
These blocks can be broken up.

Email if you are up to the challenge.
We thank all our current volunteers for their participation.


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Current CPN Winter Spring 2023 Newsletter
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