Taking COSATU Today Forward, 21 June 2022 #CosatuGenderConf2022

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Norman Mampane

Jun 21, 2022, 3:26:18 AM6/21/22
to cosatu-d...@gmail.com, cosatu-d...@googlegroups.com, Khanyisile Fakude, Alfred Mafuleka, Babsy Nhlapo, Bheki Ntshalintshali, Zingi...@gmail.com, Dibuseng Pakose, Dolly Ngali, Enos Ramaru, Gert...@cosatu.org.za, Jabulile Tshehla, Theo Steele, Nhlanhla Ngwenya, Nthabiseng Moloi, Tshidi Makhathini, Bongani Masuku, masukub...@gmail.com, Freda Oosthuysen, Khaliphile Cotoza, Kopano Konopi, Louisa Nxumalo, Matthew Parks, Mkhawuleli Maleki, Monyatso Mahlatsi, Mph...@cosatu.org.za, nts...@cosatu.org.za, Patience Lebatlang, phi...@cosatu.org.za, Ruth Mosiane, Solly Phetoe, Thabo Mokoena, Thandi Makapela, Thokozani Mtini, Toeki Kgabo, Tony Ehrenreich, wel...@cosatu.org.za, Zingiswa Losi, Norman Mampane, Donald Ratau, Fi...@cosatu.org.za, Sis...@cosatu.org.za, Phumeza Mpalweni, Edwin Mkhize, Gerald Twala, Sizwe Pamla, Abel Tlhole Pitso, tam...@cosatu.org.za, Tshepo Mabulana, Gosalamang Jantjies, Mpheane Lepaku, Lebogang Mulaisi, Jan Mahlangu, Tam...@cosatu.org.za, Thabo Mahlangu, James Mhlabane, Paul Bester, Benoni Mokgongoana, Moji Lethuloe, Parks, Mampane External, Malvern de Bruyn, Orapeleng Moraladi, Mich...@nehawu.org.za, thi...@saccawu.org.za, Louisa Thipe, Itumeleng Molatlhegi, Nelly Masombuka, Matimu Shivalo, Emanuel Mooketsi, Sihle Dlomo, Collins Matsepe, Sandra Khoza, kamo...@cosatu.org.za, nom...@cosatu.org.za, Sonia Mabunda-Kaziboni, Kabelo Kgoro, Mzoli Xola, Boitumelo Molete, Mongezi Mbelwane, Zimasa Ziqubu, Ntombizodwa Pooe, Kgaladi Makuwa, Tengo Tengela, siya.mg...@gmail.com, Nonzuzo Dlamini




#COSATU National Gender Inaugural Conference underway at Kievietskroon around Pretoria



#WorkerControl  #EndChildLabour




Taking COSATU Today Forward

‘Whoever sides with the revolutionary people in deed as well as in word is a revolutionary in the full sense’-Maoo


Our side of the story

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

‘Deepen the Back to Basics Campaign, Consolidate the Struggle for the NDR and Advance the Struggle for Socialism’

All workers urged to take Covid19 vaccine jabs!

Organize at every workplace and demand Personal Protective Equipment Now!

Defend Jobs Now!




  • Workers Parliament: Back to Basics!
  • COSATU National Gender Inaugural Conference Program
  • POPCRU to picket at the SAPS HQ over trainees’ conditions
  • South Africa
  • NEHAWU is angered by the delay tactics of SARS in implementing the last leg of a signed wage agreement  COSATU statement on the 3% salary increase for Political Office Bearers and Judges
  • International-Workers’ Solidarity!

Workers’ Parliament-Back2Basics 

COSATU National Gender Inaugural Conference Program

20-22 June 2022

DAY 1: MONDAY 20 June 2022                                                                       2nd Deputy President – Louisa Thipe



Responsible Person

08h00 -10h00

Delegates Arrival and Registration


10h00 – 10h05

Opening & Welcome

Louisa Thipe

COSATU 2nd Deputy President

10h05- 10h10

Singing of Nkosi Sikelel’ Africa


10h10 – 10h15

Presentation & Adoption of Credentials/Apologies

Deputy General Secretary

10h15– 10h30

Conference Opening Address

Zingiswa Losi

COSATU President

10h30 - 10h40

Programme outline and Adoption

Freda Oosthuysen

10h40- 10h45

Introduction and Acknowledgement of Guests and Institutions present

National Gender Coordinator


Messages of support by Alliance Structures

10h45 – 11h00





Outlining of the nominations and elections processes

Bheki Ntshalintshali


Women Empowerment, Gender Equality, Gender Based Violence and Femicide as a National Question

Maite Nkoana-Mashabane

Women,Youth and Person with Disabilities-

Ministry in the Presidency


National Gender Inaugural Conference Proposed Program

20-22 June 2022

DAY 1: MONDAY 20 June 2022 - Continues



Responsible Person


Employment Equity Commission (EEC)

  • Status of women and transformation in the world of work.

Ms T. Kabinde

EEC – Chairperson





Commission for Gender Equality (CGE)

  • Reflection on private and public sector: promotion of Gender Equality in the Workplace

Tamara Mathebula

CGE Chairperson


COSATU Draft Mid Term Vision Framework document

  • Tackle challenges facing workers and the labour movement in a new form including new concepts of “The World of Work

Zola Saphetha






Addressing young women’s access to Decent Work, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

  • The barriers young women face to economic security and leadership

Caroline Ntaopane

ActionAids S.A. Chapter


Men Care 50/50 Program

  • Attitudes and Behavioural change men participating in Unpaid Care Work

Vusi Cebekhulu

Sonke Gender Justice


Amended Legislative Framework on GBVF

John Jeffrey

Deputy Minister of Justice


DAY 1: MONDAY  20 June 2022 - Continues



Responsible Person


Health Break



Addressing the issues of mainstreaming vulnerable sectors on economic empowerment, affordability, and access to Decent Human Settlement

Ms Mmamoloko Kubayi

Minister of Human Settlement

16h35- 17h00

Shifting the Economic Power – Leave No One Behind

  • Strengthen engagement of women in the Economy

Adv. Brenda Madumise



Conference Day One Adjourned

  • Delegates depart – DINNER at the HOTELS booked by AFFILIATES



Day Two: TUESDAY 21 June 2022                                                                                      President – Zingiswa Losi



Responsible person




NGCC Activity Report


Draft COSATU 35-yr Gender Review Draft report

  • Identify areas for development, policy reform and Bargaining Agenda for Gender (BAG)

National gender coordinator


Liesl Orr – NALEDI Research Institute

Senior Researcher focusing on Gender and Organisational Renewal


Commission for Conciliation,Mediation & Arbitration(CCMA)

  • Current Statistical cases on CCMA and Labour Court on SH, Violence & Harassment and its precedencies

Ms. Boitumelo Makoena

Senior Commissioner for Collective Bargaining


International Labour Organisation (ILO)

  • Global Experiences on the Implementation of ILO C190/R206 challenges and good practices versus National Legislations

Joni Musabayana

ILO DWT-Pretoria Director







The Rights to Equality, Inclusivity, Diversity: a fight against Discrimination and Stigma on Vulnerable groups that are proportionately affected by all Forms of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work.



Masingita Masunguta



Maggie Mmekwa

DENOSA Tshwane Gender Regional Secretary

Mpho Buntse

Communication and Project Associate

Access Chapter 2 – LGBTIQ+

Simphiwe Mabhele

ILO HIV and AIDS Technical Specialist




Making Decent Work A Reality:  Violence Free Workplaces & World of Work

Mike Shingange – 1st Deputy President


Boitumelo Moloi

Deputy Minister of Employment & Labour (DEL)

Dr. Chana Pilane-Majeke

Deputy Minister Public Services & Admin.

Lisa Seftel

NEDLAC Executive Director


Day Two: TUESDAY 21 June 2022



Responsible person





Nomination information continues

Election Team


Outlining of Commissions

NGCC member



  • Organisational Developments
  • Mainstreaming Gender Issues through Collective Bargaining, Decent Work for All
  • World of Work Free from Violence and Harassment
  • Gender transformative just transition and Climate Change
  • Building Gender and Working -Class consciousness & Political Development


All participants


Conference Adjourned



Day Three: WEDNESDAY 22 June 2022                                                                              Freda Oosthuizen- Treasurer



Responsible person

09h00- 12h00


Commission Report Backs

Commission Chairs and Scribes


Announcements of Elected National GOB’s

Election Team


Conference Declaration

National Gender Secretary


Closing Remarks

National Gender Chairperson

Conference closes


For more information contact:

Gertrude Mtsweni

COSATU National Gender Coordinator

Email: gert...@cosatu.org.za


POPCRU to picket at the SAPS HQ over trainees’ conditions

Richard Mamabolo, POPCRU National Spokesperson, 17 June 2022

The Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU) in Gauteng province will be having a picket at the South African Police Service (SAPS) headquarters in Pretoria, where a memorandum of demands will be handed over to the National Police Commissioner over the inhumane, undue conditions trainees are being subjected to, including demanding answers for the discrepancies which led to over 545 trainees not having received their stipends over the past 2 months.

This picket will be taking place following various other pickets which have recently taken place in the DCS in the Groenpunt and Sasolburg Correctional Centres, wherein the management wants  to impose illegal shift patterns, and another at the Malmesbury Correctional Centre in the Western Cape Province wherein members are dissatisfied over a long list of outstanding matters, including the lack of adequate security at various correctional centres which have seen numerous escapes at the centre, the shortage of personnel, illegal shift patterns, the lack of promotion policy and the discrimination against members’ spouses, wherein the department introduced  a policy instructing members to declare if they are married or are having any affairs with foreign nationals.

These pickets are a clear indication yet of brewing dissatisfaction among members of the criminal justice cluster who have for far too long been subjected to unsavoury working conditions and are increasingly running out of patience.

They are also part of a build-up towards the POPCRU National Day of Action as determined by the recent provincial congresses across the country.

The Gauteng picket will be taking place as follows;

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

SAPS HQ, Pretoria

10am to 2pm

Media houses are hereby invited to cover the handing over of the memorandum of demands.

Issued by POPCRU on 15/06/2022

For more information contact please contact Richard Mamabolo on

South Africa

COSATU welcomes World Trade Organisation’s Agreement

Tony Ehrenreich, COSATU Deputy Parliamentary Coordinator, 20 June 2022  

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and Organised Labour welcomes the Agreement that has emerged at the World Trade Organisation (WTO). 

Significant advances have been made in areas that are crucial for public policy in South Africa, including in the overall architecture of the ETO and its ability to respond to development issues. 

COSATU welcomes the terms of the text and congratulate our government for being part of this historic agreement . We know that many developed countries had not been supportive of the areas of agreement achieved, as this threatens their vested financial interests. But we are pleased that consensus was reached in the end that advances the interest of developing countries, including South Africa.

The discussions on the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement was tough but we are happy that what emerged is a basic to go forward with local production of Covid-19 vaccines in particular.  The most significant part of the Agreement was on the TRIPS waiver for Covid-19 vaccines, which allows Governments to authorise local manufacturers to produce vaccines or their ingredients, substances or elements which are covered by patents, without the permission of the patent holders during the pandemic.

The Agreement on fishing is a welcome development and this will go a long way to defending our fishing stocks which have been under severe pressure for over and illegal fishing by foreign trawlers at the expense of local fishing communities and companies.  

The progress on E-commerce and WTO reforms are welcomed and the final details must now be thrashed out in the WTO, within the timeframes allocated.

Agriculture remains an area that more work needs to be done and we look forward to expanding the space for South African agriculture in the new future.

Whilst not all of our ambitions were achieved in this round of the WTO, we do believe that this agreement goes a long way to restore the credibility of a rules based trading system that must be fair and equitable, whilst advancing a developmental agenda globally. It is encouraging that developing countries could collaborate so effectively and pressure developed countries to advance a fairer approach to economic development in the rules based system . We look forward to this new approach of doing what is morally justifiable and responding to global pandemics with urgency.  We commend Ministers Ebrahim Patel of Trade, Industry and Competition and Thoko Didiza of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and their teams for the solid work done in the WTO.

Issued by COSATU


NEHAWU is angered by the delay tactics of SARS in implementing the last leg of a signed wage agreement  

Lwazi Nkolonzi, NEHAWU National Spokesperson, June 20, 2022

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] is angered by the delay tactics of the South African Revenue Services [SARS] in implementing the final year of a wage agreement signed in 2019.

The national union approached the Pretoria High Court to enforce SARS to implement the signed wage agreement, this is after SARS reneged on the implementation of the last leg of the agreement which refers to year 2021/2022 which was due as of 1 April 2021.

The matter is currently at Pretoria High Court where all papers have been filed inclusive of the heads of argument. The High Court provided the 25th July 2022 as a set down date with our legal team ready for the date.

We are disappointed to realise that SARS’s counsel is unavailable on the said date, it is more saddening to further discover that SARS is confirming that their counsel is unavailable until October 2022.

We deem this to be a travesty of justice, which during this tough economic times workers cannot enforce a wage agreement which the very same employer refuses to implement.

Lastly, as NEHAWU, we call on SARS to stop its delay tactics and implement the outstanding last leg of the signed wage agreement for workers.


Issued by NEHAWU Secretariat


COSATU Limpopo statement on the racist assault incident in Groblersdal

Gerald Mkhomazi Twala, COSATU Limpopo Provincial Secretary, June 20, 2022

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in Limpopo is flabbergasted and outraged at the racist assault of a young Kopano Makweng by a 50 years old white male in Groblersdal. The incident happened on the 15th June 2022 at the vicinity of Game centre in Groblersdal.

COSATU wishes to thank the African National Congress in the Sekhukhune region and people of Groblersdal for responding promptly in their large numbers to demand “Justice for Kopano Makweng”.

We are making a call to the justice system to be harsh on perpetrators of racism to send out a clear message that our democratic state would not tolerate racial intolerance and hate crime in general.

Concurrently, government should fast track the process of finalizing the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill in to law to provide for the prosecution and sentencing of those who commit such offences.

The Federation is extremely disturbed as this is not the first such racist incidents happening in the areas of Groblersdal.

COSATU in Limpopo will be joining her alliance partners, civil society and ordinary citizens to demand a harsher sentence against the suspect when he appears in court on the 24th June 2022.

However, it is our firm view that beyond this case, COSATU and her alliance partners should embark on a more focused and aggressive campaign against racism in Groblersdal and other areas in the province where such hate crimes are prevalent in communities and workplaces.

The Federation will communicate more details once plans are ready for a Provincial Anti-Racism Day.

Issued by COSATU Limpopo



UNI joins call for vaccinations for all; suspension of WTO rule restricting COVID treatment access for millions


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The essential right to a safe workplace must include the right to vaccination, regardless of where one lives.

That is why UNI Global Union is joining the call for the temporary suspension of certain treatment-related intellectual property obligations under the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement). A “TRIPS waiver” would allow low-and-medium income countries to expand production and to access therapeutics, vaccines, and other medical products needed during the global COVID-19 pandemic.

“Workers—especially essential workers—have been under immense pressure during the pandemic, and whether they are in Ireland or India, they should have the same access to life-saving protections—including vaccines. Unfortunately, access has not been equal, leaving millions unprotected and all of us exposed,” says Christy Hoffman, UNI General Secretary.

She continued, “Shamefully, some producers are seeking to profit from these inequalities. UNI Global Union is calling on leaders of high-income countries to value lives over intellectual property agree to a temporary TRIPS waiver.”

UNI Global Union demands that:

·        All countries have equal access to the COVID-19 vaccine;

·        The WTO wave the TRIPS Agreement on vaccines and other COVID therapeutics, so that vaccination and treatment are affordable and free from patent costs which can block production in the Global South;

·        No person, company, or government should profit from the procurement and distribution of the vaccine;

·        Health and social care workers, along with other essential workers, should have priority access to the vaccine worldwide.

Education and access to scientific information are key elements to a successful global vaccination program. UNI supports all ethical means to achieve high vaccination rates through the dissemination of accurate, scientifically based information.  

For more information, visit the People’s Vaccine. 


Statement on World Day for immigrants and refugees

19 Jun 2022

On this June 20, 2022, commemorative day of the International Day for Immigrants and Refugees, the World Federation of Trade Unions, present in 130 countries of the world with 105,000,000 members, calls, in accordance with the Rome Declaration on the basis of its Theses and Priorities, as decided during its 18th Congress held in Rome, Italy from May 06 to 08, 2022, for the need for peace, the banishment of the exploitation of man by man as well as the just wealth redistribution.

The WFTU reminds that imperialist military conflicts generate migration and refugee crisis. There are also the antagonisms between powerful States, which seek to control the natural resources of the people for the profits of the multinationals; it is none other than the exploitation itself which divides societies between the rich and the poor.

The exploitation and looting of the wealth of underdeveloped countries is the driving force behind poverty and migration.

The alleviation of the external debt of the so-called poor countries is one of the major and diachronic priorities of the militant international trade union movement.

At the same time, we defend the lives and rights of migrants and refugees.

We oppose neo-Nazism.

As class-oriented international trade union movement, we will continue and strengthen our struggle for the protection and rights of migrant and refugee workers. At the same time, with the COVID-19 pandemic, all States must take all necessary measures for the unconditional vaccination of all migrant workers, refugees, and for their access to public health care. Immigrants and refugees have the right to protection from the COVID 19 pandemic.

We will continue to denounce racism and discrimination against migrant workers and to promote the united struggles of local and migrant workers, regardless of their race, origin, language, religion, etc. to meet their contemporary needs.

We demand Public Services for migrants and refugees with all the necessary and permanent staff, without the involvement of NGOs.

We say no to wars provoked by the imperialists and their lackeys.

No to anti-immigrant laws.

No to slavery and the exploitation of man by man.

Yes to equal social and labor rights for all workers in the world wherever they are.

Nobody is alone in the class struggles!

For the WFTU, the working class is one and indivisible!


Norman Mampane (Shopsteward Editor)

Congress of South African Trade Unions

110 Jorissen Cnr Simmonds Street, Braamfontein, 2017

P.O.Box 1019, Johannesburg, 2000, South Africa

Tel: +27 11 339-4911 Direct line: 010 219-1348



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