What on-line courses or good books for CLIPS exist? Recommendation?

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Wade Schuette

Jan 13, 2022, 1:15:38 PM1/13/22
Can anyone recommend a favorite book or on-line course in CLIPS?

My search on Coursera, Udemy, and Youtube only found one:

Udemy has a brand new entry https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-clips-programming-from-zero-to-hero/ but so far it only has one rating.  I'd like to survey the field before diving in.

I'm working my way through an older book I had on my shelf from many years ago,  "Expert Systems - Principles and programming" (4th ed) by Joseph C. Giarratano and Gary D. Riley -- authoritative but 16 years old.

What do you know of that's newer and possibly with chapters or video lectures on CLIPSpy ?  Or would they all also be internal to books on Expert Systems or Knowledge Engineering?  

How did YOU learn CLIPS?

Thanks in advance for your wisdom!


CLIPS Support

Jan 13, 2022, 4:44:56 PM1/13/22
I'm not aware of anything currently available that's newer or related to CLIPSpy other than some of the short tutorials you can find with a web search. I've written a new CLIPS tutorial and plan to have that published this year (hopefully by spring) in ebook and textbook forms.
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