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C K Wu

Dec 6, 2013, 6:33:12 AM12/6/13
to alton fuller,
There will be new versions of CK-ERP, but no guarantees. At the moment,
I am working on something fairly experimental and hopefully will open up
new opportunities for CK-ERP.

I am afraid I have not come across error 12. More details on how and
when error 12 occurs will help with problem diagnosis.

I am copying this email to , so others could
pitch in to help.

Best Regards,

On Friday, December 06, 2013 05:57 PM, alton fuller wrote:
> Will there be any further upgrade to ck-erp and can the theme be change..I also get an error 12 message when I try accessing some modules
> "Wu, Chiu Kay" <> wrote:
>> Hi, Alton,
>> Thank you for your interest in CK-ERP.
>> Yes. CK-ERP does integrate with vTiger. For details,
>> please refer to the Installation Manual embedded within
>> CK-ERP\'s software tarball (....../ck-admin/doc/\"Installation
>> Manual.html\" [Item 6a, section labelled vTiger])
>> Please, note that the integration is vTiger version specific
>> and CK-ERP version specific. The latest version matching is
>> vTiger 5.3.0 against CK-ERP 0.31.1 .
>> For other installation (problem) related information, please
>> refer to,
>> Best Regards,
>> CK
>> ==================
>> does ck-erp integrate with vtiger and where do i put the
>> modules as i extract in vtiger module folder but not showing
>> ===================
>> --
>> This message was sent to your email alias via the web mail form. You may reply to this message directly, or via
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C K Wu

Dec 7, 2013, 1:52:31 AM12/7/13
to contact,
Hi, Alton,

Your problem is most likely caused by CK-ERP's Access Control List
mechanism. For details, please refer to,!topic/CK-ERP-en/rvr9JDpXAbA (This
carries the procedure for creating an all powerful audit staff user, who
will have access to all CK-ERP modules)

Best Regards,

On Friday, December 06, 2013 08:42 PM, contact wrote:
> This is the error I get when click on some tab in the education module
> You are not authorised to access the requested function.12

Manuel Crespo

Apr 21, 2015, 10:00:19 PM4/21/15
Dear CK WU,
Thank you very much for developping such a great piece of marvelous software and available for the open source community,
I have installed your erp system and integrated it with joomla 3.4.1, but I am running with a problem when i try to access the education
module the system gives this error: "You are not authorised to access the requested function.12",  can you please give me an idea of how to
solve this problem,
yours truly, Manuel

C K Wu

Apr 21, 2015, 10:50:04 PM4/21/15
Hi, Manuel,

Thank you for your interest in CK-ERP.

Your problem is most likely caused by CK-ERP's Access Control List
mechanism. For details, please refer to,!topic/CK-ERP-en/rvr9JDpXAbA (This
carries the procedure for creating an all powerful audit staff user, who
will have access to all CK-ERP modules)

The access control module/mechanism is created to cater for the numerous
control scenarios associated with an online environment, eg,

students accessing teachers' area
teachers accessing counsellors' area
student family members accessing student records

Standard friendly reminder:
It is very easy to get into a situation where all users are denied
access to all the CK-ERP modules. So, be very careful how you formulate
the final access control scenario.

At the same time, for online education usage, perhaps a (Moodle +
CK-ERP) installation would provide more pertinent features.

Best Regards,

Dr. Manuel Crespo

Apr 23, 2015, 10:19:47 PM4/23/15
Dear CK,
Thank you very much for your email, the only problem I am having at present time  with "ck-erp" , is with the "teacher" role, I made a lot of manipulation to the "access contol mechanism" as you suggested, but with no luck, the system always return either one of the messages:
"You are not authorised to access the requested function.248"

"You are not authorised to access the requested function.12"
And this happens when in the menu option "Requestor", I select in the box "Requestor Category" : tchstaff

Will you please be so kind to give me an Initial setting in the access control list for the teacher role, so that when I select any of the fucntions: Roll Call, Attendance, Student Grades, Assessment Grade, Aprove/Reject, Textbook, etc, etc; I do not have the afore commented message. Well Ck, thats all for now, thank you very much in advance, wishing all the best for the future development of your wonderfull system,
Best Regard,

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C K Wu

Apr 26, 2015, 8:52:37 AM4/26/15
Hi, Manuel,

I am afraid I am in the middle of upgrading all my systems to ubuntu 15.04.  Sort of busy ironing out various minor issues.  So, please bear with me.  I shall come back to you in about one day or two.

Best Regards,

On Friday, April 24, 2015 01:45 AM, Dr. Manuel Crespo wrote:

Dr. Manuel Crespo

Apr 27, 2015, 10:47:24 AM4/27/15
Dear CK,
Thank you very much for your email, no problem take your time, I wait until you have some space to help me with the issue.
Moreover, please let me know when the ubuntu 15.04 upgrade is ready, have a very
have a very good day, and I wish all the best life can provide to you.
Yours truly,

C K Wu

May 11, 2015, 12:14:10 AM5/11/15
Hi, Manuel,

Sorry for the delay in responding.

I have temporarily modifying the demo setup at to a multi-educational institute installation.

This demo installation carries two institutes, one being a community college, the other a senior high school.

The page at lists the built-in users (of the education cluster) and their passwords.

I am afraid I don't have time to build up the various language translations, so if you visit the demo setup (links at top left corner with various country flags) at, you would only see English GUI.

You should be able to get a general idea of how the system works, and the various user roles and their access limitations.

I'll write up something later to indicate how the various users and roles are being created.

Best Regards,

On Monday, April 27, 2015 04:29 AM, Dr. Manuel Crespo wrote:

Dr. Manuel Crespo

May 12, 2015, 9:46:09 AM5/12/15
Dear CK,
     Thank you, very much for all your interest and support trying to help me about the issue I had,
Hopefully your impressive software is working fine, all the erp modules (accounting,payroll,customer service,etc) and the education
one are working fine with their respective roles. At the moment I am testing it and I will let you know if an Issue occur. I will take a Look to the URL, you indicated me, thank very much again to a gentleman doing so much for the open source community, god bless you and your family. 
yours very truly,

mykl john

Jul 8, 2015, 10:03:38 PM7/8/15
Hi CK.  I am installing .31.1 in Moodle 2.7  I wanted to check and see if there are any issues with .31.1 and 2.7?  I've looked at a bunch of other ERP and SMS systems and this looks the most promising.  Is there a newer release available?  Thanks for any and all assistance

C K Wu

Jul 9, 2015, 3:20:53 AM7/9/15
Hi, Mykl,

Thank you for your interest in CK-ERP.

a)  CK-ERP 0.31.1 is the latest version.

b)  I am afraid CK-ERP 0.31.1 had only been tested against Moodle 2.2.2 .  It is likely that the combination (Moodle 2.7 + CK-ERP 0.31.1) will have compatibility issues.

For the full list of middleware that had been tested against CK-ERP 0.31.1, please refer to the Installation Manual embedded within (....../ck-admin/doc/Installation Manual.html) the software distribution tarball.

Best Regards,
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