[partly solved] Performance issue

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C K Wu

May 16, 2012, 10:25:05 AM5/16/12
to discussions and questions of users for users of eGroupWare, CK-ERP...@googlegroups.com, CK-E...@googlegroups.com
Hi, folks,

It turns out that mysql 5.5.22 defaults to using InnoDB, whereas the previous mysql versions use MyISAM.  After setting the default-storage-engine=myisam in my.cnf , I restart mysql and re-install eGW + CK-ERP using eGroupware-  The installation (employing mysql) went OK and was completed very fast.  I am guessing that installation involves a lot of sequential inserts, and myisam somehow handles these more efficiently than InnoDB, as InnoDB is geared towards better CRUD locking protection.

However, installation using msqli still resulted in the same error message,

Invalid SQL:  UPDATE egw_access_log SET session_dla=1337175428,session_action='',lo=NULL WHERE sessionid=2

Just for interest sake, I cut and paste the above invalid sql into the mysql client mysql> environment and it executed OK, so syntax does not seem to be the problem.

Best Regards,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [eGroupWare-users] Database error, Click here to resume your eGroupWare Session
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2012 17:25:44 +0800
From: C K Wu <ck...@ck-erp.net>
Reply-To: discussions and questions from users and for users of eGroupWare <egroupwa...@lists.sourceforge.net>
To: discussions and questions from users and for users of eGroupWare <egroupwa...@lists.sourceforge.net>

Hi, folks,

I encountered the same problem as described by Leendert.

Just to add a bit of additional info.  I installed 
eGroupWare- within the following environment,

Kubuntu 12.04, Apache 2.2.22, mysql 5.5.22, php 5.3.10

Initially, the default mysql (vs. mysqli and mysql with transaction) 
setup was employed and everything was fine.  I could install and login 
as usual.   However, response time was significantly slower than 
1.8.002, so I cleared everything, dropped the entire database and 
re-installed everything, choosing mysqli this time.  All other items 
were the same, including db host, db name, db user, db password.  This 
time, I could install, but could not login, as described by Leendert.  
The error message was the same (except the session_dla and sessionid 

Best Regards,

On Sunday, April 29, 2012 04:48 AM, leendert wrote:
> Hi,
> after downloading and installing egroupware I get an error trying to log in:
> Database error
> Invalid SQL: UPDATE egw_access_log SET
> session_dla=1335645216,session_action='',lo=NULL WHERE sessionid=7
> Click here to resume your eGroupWare Session.
> The link "Click here to resume" doesn't do anything How do I repair this?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Keep up the good work!
> Leendert
> --
> View this message in context: http://egroupware.219119.n3.nabble.com/Database-error-Click-here-to-resume-your-eGroupWare-Session-tp3947308.html
> Sent from the egroupware-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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C K Wu

May 17, 2012, 8:56:15 PM5/17/12
to CK-E...@googlegroups.com, CK-ERP...@googlegroups.com
Hi, folks,

Just to elaborate a bit on the CK-ERP side alone.

When installing CK-ERP (together with sample data) within InnoDB, it takes approx. 6 minutes.  When reverting back to MyISAM, the installation takes a few seconds.  Because I am doing a lot of development work requiring constantly re-installing CK-ERP to start everything afresh, the poor installation speed is just not working for me.  For a live system, it may not matter too much, as installation is supposed to happen only once for any given site (or perhaps a number of times during trial and pilot runs).

Best Regards,
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