December, 2009
Canada at Copenhagen
The Copenhagen climate change summit began today. There were some
promising signs in the lead-up to Copenhagen, with the US, China and
India setting solid targets CO2 reductions. For the latter two countries
these targets were for intensity reductions, not real reductions in
carbon emissions, but a good start none the less. Canada, lead by the
conservative party, has chosen to take a back seat going into the
summit, happy to let other countries lead the way. Harper's weak stance
on climate change I believe, shows that he either doesn't believe in
climate change or simply doesn't care. The only reason he is going to
the summit is because Obama is going to be there. He is acting like a
child being dragged against his will to the climate change table.
Hopefully he'll be dragged in the right direction.
James, for the Newsletter team
Comment this newsletter on our blog:
*Got an event to share? Email my teammate Saul:*
*Got news to share? Email my teammate Caroline:*
Low-carbon future: We can afford to go green
Glimpsing a Greener Future: Computer Model Foresees Effects of Alternative
Transportation Fuels
Danish Eco City Proves Waste Management Can Reverse Greenhouse Trend
Stevia: Good news for sustainability
Bad news
Canada must do more
Rise in CO2 Emissions Continues for Developed Nations
Federal Government Failing to Protect Fresh Water for Tens of Thousands of
Canadians in Alberta and Northwest Territories
Global Study of Salmon Shows: 'Sustainable' Food Isn't So Sustainable
Emissions Increase Despite Financial Crisis
In French:
Le Brésil affiche une politique volontariste sur le climat
«Un succès à Copenhague est en vue»
Global learning for sustainable development in higher education: recent trends and a critique
The tripping points of sea level rise
Sustainable Habitation:
Building Sustainability, Block by Block
Counting down to zero carbon
Green Heating and Cooling Technology Turns Carbon from Eco-Villain to Hero
Take Action:
The World Wants a Real Deal
Call to cancel spring grizzly-bear hunt as numbers fall
Going for Green
10 Tips for Reusing Plastic Milk Jugs
The Polar Bears Need Us – Sign the petition
Help protect the "Iberian Imperial Eagle" in Portugal
The 2nd International Conference on Environmental and Computer Science (ICECS 2009)
28 to 30 December 2009, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Symposium on Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and the Common Good
7 to 8 January 2010, Rennes, Brittany, France
The New Green
20 to 22 January 2010, Washington, DC, United States
4th Carbon Trading
25 to 27 January 2010, New York, NY, United States
Events Section
UBC Events:
1. Climate Change Impacts on Bangladesh: Global Responsibilities
Vancouver Events:
1. TechForum - Race to the Green; Dec 11, 2009
2. Winter Bike to Work Commuter Station; Dec 18, 2009
3. Green Drinks Vancouver; Dec 16, 2009
4. Winter Bike to Work Commuter Station; Dec 22, 2009
5. Green Drinks Tri-Cities; Dec 30, 2009
6. Guest Expert Speaker Series - Guido Wimmers on Passive Housing; Jan 16, 2010
UBC Event Details:
Climate Change Impacts on Bangladesh: Global Responsibilities
TechForum - Race to the Green; Dec 11, 2009
Green Drinks Vancouver; Dec 16, 2009
Winter Bike to Work Commuter Station; Dec 18, 2009
Winter Bike to Work Commuter Station; Dec 22, 2009
Green Drinks Tri-Cities; Dec 30, 2009
Guest Expert Speaker Series - Guido Wimmers on Passive Housing; Jan 16, 2010
The newsletter team includes Alexandre Vigneault and James Butler for the comments, Ana Stefanova and Caroline R. Cloutier for the news, Rebecca Beaton for the UBC event list, and Saul Pazos-Knoop for the Vancouver event list.
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