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CHBE Sustainability Newsletter (September 2010)

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Caroline Cloutier

Sep 1, 2010, 1:02:10 AM9/1/10
to chbe-sustainability


The 1 Mile Diet


I recently went wandering through the back alleys in Kits on the hunt

for 'street fruit' and was amazed at the variety that I found. After an

hour walking down the back alleys we came back with apples, plums and a

load of blackberries enough for a delicious pie. I can't think of

anything more sustainable than picking fruit right in your own



Although no one would argue that back alley berry picking isn't a good

thing for the environment, there is growing debate in the environmental

community about the true benefits of locally grown foods.


As with many environmental ideals the local food movement has moved from

the fringe into mainstream trendy. It practitioners have even coined

there own term to describe themselves: "locavores." As this shift

occurs, some of the true reasons for the movement become lost.


One of the main reasons for choosing to eat locally grown/raised foods

is to lessen the carbon footprint of the food we eat. However, this

rationale has come under fire recently from some in the environmental

community who question the true benefit of locally grown food over

imported. They argue that the CO2 generated during the transportation of

food across the continent is minuscule in comparison to the CO2

generated during the agricultural production process. Does a tomato

produced in a hot house in BC in winter really have a smaller CO2 foot

print than one imported from California? Although hard numbers are

elusive it is an important debate to have and should make us all think

more critically about where our food comes from.


For the article that sparked the recent debate read "*Math Lessons for



For responses and further discussion on the topic read:


For a look at a truly local food production, here is a link to a family

that grows most of their own food in a backyard pool:


James for the CHBE Sustainability Club


Comment this newsletter on our blog:

*Got news or events to share? Email my teammate Caroline:*

News Section

In the news:

*Good news*


Electric Car Made of Hemp Is Developed by Canadian Collaborative


UN launches the Decade for Deserts


Shell technology to clean up oilsands tailings more quickly


PM announces support for Wind Energy project in Prince Edward Island


*Bad news*

Does Humanity Need 1.5 Earths?


When is Wind Energy Noise Pollution?


Scientists Concerned About Environmental Impact of Recycling of E-Waste


True Colors—The Changing Face of Greenland


In French: 

"L'homme transforme l'aléa naturel en catastrophe"


Un « continent de plastique » est révélé dans l’Atlantique Nord


Au Bangladesh, une mort sur cinq est dûe à l’arsenic


La marée noire BP pourrait toucher l’Europe à terme

In More Details:


Externality or sustainability economics?


The sustainability of “sustainability” – a study into the conceptual foundations of the notion of “sustainability”

Sustainable Habitation:


New York's Solar Thermal Plans


Sustainable Transportation:


Iceland: Here we are, plug us in


Take Action:


Hey Glenn Beck: Stop Spreading Lies About Global Warming


Protect Wolves from Shoot-on-Sight "Management"


Protect Wildlife from Dirty Tar Sands Oil



15th International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations (IUAPPA) World Congress  
12 to 16 September 2010, Vancouver, BC, Canada
13 to 15 September 2010, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Accredited Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Conference  
14 to 15 September 2010, Washington, D.C., IL, United States
Airborne Wind Energy 2010  
28 September 2010 to 29 October 2010, Palo Alto, CA, United States
RIRL 2010 - International Conference on Logistics 
29 September 2010 to 1 October 2010, Bordeaux, France,00,00,00&rnd=964&CFID=9877657&CFTOKEN=89282434
Demand Response Canada: Transitioning to Demand/Supply Optimization  
4 to 5 October 2010, Toronto, ON, Canada
Events Section

UBC Events:


1.         Pure & Simple Soap Making! Sept. 23

2.         UBC Farm Wednesday Market, every Wednesday starting Sept. 1st

3.         FarmAde 2010, Sept. 17th

4.         Our Campus as a Living Lab: A Sustainability Symposium, Sept. 27th

Vancouver Events:


1.         New Westminster Green Drinks at The Heritage Grill – Sep 1, 2010

2.         GoBeyond Youth Action Gathering – Sep 5, 2010

3.         15th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress – Sep (12-16), 2010

4.         Burnaby Green Drinks – Sep 14, 2010

5.         Vancouver Green Drinks – Sep 15, 2010

6.         S.E.E. 'n' Green Show - sustainability expo – Sep (25-26), 2010

7.         APEGBC Seminar: Opportunities for Engineers in the Greenhouse Gas Market – Sep 27, 2010

UBC Event Details:


Pure & Simple Soap Making! Sept. 23


           Date: Thursday Sept. 23, 2pm-5pm or 6pm-9pm

           Location: UBC Farm

           Cost: $48 (+$2.19)

           Details: See and feel the difference in your skin! Make high-quality, vegetable based soaps for all skin types from scratch! Participants will make and take home three different kinds of soaps, plus a finished soap bar. As well as, recipes for pet soap, laundry soap and herbal shampoo. To register for the 2pm-5pm workshop go here: for the 6pm-9pm workshop go here:


UBC Farm Wednesday Market, every Wednesday starting Sept. 1


           Date: Every Wednesday starting Sept. 1, 11:30am-1:30pm

           Location: Outside UBC Bookstore

           Cost: Free

           Organizer: UBC Farm

           Details: Visit the UBC Farm's weekly on-campus market, every Wednesday from 11:30am-1:30pm outside the UBC Bookstore. Featuring an assortment of fresh, organic UBC Farm produce. Cash only, bring your own bags please.


FarmAde 2010, Sept. 17


           Date: Friday Sept. 17, 3pm-7pm

           Location: UBC Farm

           Cost: Free

           Organizer: UBC Farm

           Details: Join us for the 8th annual FarmAde celebration at the UBC Farm - support your local growers! All ages welcome and free admission to this annual OPEN-AIR FESTIVAL featuring live, local music, a BBQ with farm-fresh corn, burgers, UBC Farm salad & more, a beer garden (bring 2 pieces of ID), farm tours and a supervised kids area.


Our Campus as a Living Lab: A Sustainability Symposium, Sept. 27th


           Date: Monday Sept. 27, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

           Location: UBC

           Cost: Free

           Organizer: UBC Sustainability Initiative

           Details: Members of the UBC Community -- students, staff, faculty, and residents -- are invited to an all-day symposium exploring the practical application of the "campus as a living lab" concept through two themes: Campus life and Campus systems. Please email for registration and program information.


Vancouver Event Details:


New Westminster Green Drinks at The Heritage Grill


           Date: Sep 1, 2010

           Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm

           Location: The Heritage Grill, 447 Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC, V3L 1A9

           Contact: Email:, Telephone: 604-759-0819   


           Cost: NA

           Details: We are pleased to announce that the Green Drinks for New Westminster is being held at The Heritage Grill every 1st Wednesday evening of the month at 6:00pm till later... (December 2, 2009, 2010 -> January 6, 2010, February 3, March 3, April 7,  May 5, June 2, July 7, August 4, September1, October 6, November3, December1)


GoBeyond Youth Action Gathering


           Date: September 5, 2010

           Time: All Day

           Location: Camp Capilano, North Vancouver, BC

           Contact: Tessa Taylor;


           Cost: N/A

           Details: The goBeyond Youth Action Gathering, supported by the Sierra Youth Coalition (SYC), the Sustainable High Schools Project, and the BC Campus Climate Network, is taking place from August 31st to September 5th, 2010. We are inviting high school and post-secondary participants to register, and we are offering opportunities for workshop facilitators, youth steering committee members, and other volunteers who would like to be part of this amazing experience


15th IUAPPA World Clean Air Congress


           Date: September 12-16, 2010

           Time: All Day

           Location: Westin Bayshore Conference Centre, Vancouver, BC

           Contact: Kate Fischer; Email:


           Cost: Check website

           Details: With the theme of Achieving Environmental Sustainability in a Resource Hungry World, IUAPPA recognizes the need for holistic management approaches to effectively mitigate potential water, food, energy, and environmental challenges


Burnaby Green Drinks


           Date: September 14, 2010

           Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm

           Location: The Firefighters' Club - Metrotown Complex, 6515 Bonsor Street, 5-7 minute walk from the Metrotown Skytrain Station, Burnaby, BC

           Contact: Anil Mayar; Email:


           Cost: NA

           Details: Interested in meeting a group of friendly people having lively conversations about all things green? Then join us for Green Drinks Burnaby on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm.


Vancouver Green Drinks


           Date: September 14, 2010

           Time: 5:45pm – 8:45pm

           Location: Steamworks Pub, 375 Water Street, Harbourview room (basement), Vancouver, BC

           Contact: Email:


           Cost: NA

           Details: Green Drinks is a monthly unstructured and inclusive casual networking event for anyone interested in issues of sustainability. Our regular time is 5:45pm onward, on the third Wednesday of each month at Steamworks Pub, with the exception of a December Christmas party and a July BBQ. All are welcome!


S.E.E. 'n' Green Show - sustainability expo


           Date: Sep (25-26), 2010

           Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

           Location: 20699 42 Ave, Langley, BC

           Contact: email


           Cost: Tickets $5 at the door or $3.00 online

          Details: The sustainability expo that brings the community its local producers, farmers and businesses with sustainable, environmental and ethical business practices


APEGBC Seminar: Opportunities for Engineers in the Greenhouse Gas Market


           Date: Sep 27, 2010

           Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

           Location: check website

           Contact: Ailene Lim;; 604-412-4899


           Cost: N/A       

           Details: The purpose of the seminar is to provide participants with an overview understanding of the markets, the players, the services involved, the regulatory and other drivers, the latest developments, the timing and approximate size of the market. The seminar will cover international, Canadian, BC and Alberta GHG markets through interactive discussions and a few case study examples.


The newsletter team include James Butler and Alexandre Vigneault for the comments, Ali Shafiei and Caroline R. Cloutier for the news, Rebecca Beaton for the UBC events,
and Resha Sabti for the Vancouver events. 
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