I've invited you all to a dropbox folder that houses a few relevant
biodiesel reports. Included is the lengthy design report from my 4th
year design project. There are a lot of things not applicable (pages
upon pages of equipment sizing, P&IDs etc.), but there are some good
insights and ideas for our project. Some sections that may provide
useful information are: 6.2 Background, 11.4-5 Process
Description-Hazards, and the latter section of 13.2 for NPV, IRR and
Tornado Plot calculations.
The first idea I came across was a discussion of a paper (Park)
publishing the effects of including FAME (BD) as a co-solvent to
increase mass transfer between methanol and the oils. By doing so the
production rate can be improved significantly. This doesn't have to be
adopted, but gives us an idea about the opportunity we may have to
"fine-tune" our production methods. Finally, there's a NREL report on
biodiesel production technology that will give you a good background if
you need to bone-up on your transesterification reactions!
Tyler Lewis
M.A.Sc. Candidate
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of British Columbia
Office: CHBE 639
Phone: (604) 827-4829
Email: tle...@chbe.ubc.ca