HST, why we need it!
Everybody hates paying taxes, but can I argue that continuing the fight against HST will be shooting ourselves into our feet.
Let me explain on this controversial statement...
Since the birth of British Columbia, we have been blessed by natural resources. As our population increases, expenses increase accordingly. For years, we could cope with these increases in expenditures by cutting down more trees, extracting more coal and pumping out more natural gas. You can see the latest province revenues break down here (look at page 12).
We have been relying on the golden hens for too long! Would it be possible that, Bill Vander Zalm, a former BC premier, who is fighting vigorously HST, might not see that our province can't apply the same strategy as before?
In 2010, we have to deal with climate change, ecosystem collapsing like the pine beetle epidemic. Our government is so desperate for source of revenues that he is approving projects like Fish Lake, transforming a healthy trout lake into a toxic tailing pond, in order to produce gold and copper for 20 years only. After, that period, we will have no lake, no fish, no jobs and no revenues for the province, until we find the next project to continue our auto-destruction.
I agree that there were a lot of hypocrisy with how the Liberals brought the new taxes. HST magically just appeared after the election at the same time that our finance suddenly collapsed. Furthermore, I recognize that I don't see any indication that our BC government has the intention to transition away from a resource based economy in the short term.
Nevertheless, killing the HST right now will make it impossible to come back in the future, as we almost lost the carbon tax in the last election. I believe that it is a painful but necessary step towards a transition away from a resource based economy. In Québec, we paid for years an extra 7-9% on top of GST and this started in 1992. If you have the chance to visit this province, you will probably notice that small restaurants are still opened and people still buy bicycles.
Since July 1st, we have to pay more for dinning out and other services. I prefer that the BC government receives money from "Alfredo pasta" than relying a royalty from coal extraction to pay for my education and health care.
Alexandre, for the Sustainability Club
Comment this newsletter on our blog: http://chbe-sustainability-club.blogspot.com/
*Got news or events to share? Email my teammate Caroline: cclo...@chbe.ubc.ca*
News Section
In the news:
*Good news*
Sea Otters, the Cutest Way To Fight Global Warming
Recycle more - waste less, UBC students urge
B.C. joins Canada-wide campaign to recycle plastic plant pots
Starbucks expanding recycling program with coffee cups in Chicago
Government Of Canada Invests In Community Environmental Projects In Metro Vancouver
Adding Nutrients to Oceans Could Enhance Transfer of Carbon Dioxide from Atmosphere to Deep Ocean
*Bad news*
Ethical Issues Ignored in Teaching, Research of Sustainability, Expert Argues
Critics slam proposal to ship nuclear waste through Lake Ontario
Rate of Arctic sea ice melt heats up
Antarctic Garbage Patch Coming?
The other oil spill
If Global CO2 Emissions Were Black Smoke Coming From a Giant Broken Pipe in Texas
In French:
Entreprises et chefs-cuisiniers s'associent à Equiterre
L'Europe va fermer ses frontières au bois illégal
Communauto: plus que des voitures, une ville
Décrire les enjeux québécois au reste de la planète
In More Details:
Collaboration for sustainability in a networked world
Sustainability science: The emerging research program
Reducing hunger vulnerability through sustainable development
Sustainable Habitation:
What Is the Greendex?
Recycling by the numbers
Bay-Friendly landscapes grow businesses
Take Action:
5 Summer Jobs that Keep you Living an Eco Lifestyle Outside
Protect Canada's "Pocket Desert"!
Stop the Needless Killing of British Columbia's Grizzly Bears
Tell Secretary Clinton to Stop the TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline
Tell Obama: No More Offshore Drilling!
2010 International Conference on Environmental and Agriculture Engineering (ICEAE 2010)
1 to 3 August 2010, Kyoto, Japan
Sustainable Agricultural
10 to 11 August 2010, San Francisco, California, United States
Energy Technology & Policy
17 to 19 August 2010, Austin, Texas, United States
Transport Research Network Conference
31 August 2010 to 1 September 2010, Dublin, Ireland
The Third IASTED African Conference on Water Resource Management: AfricaWRM 2010
6 to 8 September 2010, Gaborone, Botswana
Events Section
UBC Events:
1. UBC Blueberry Festival, July 13-16
2. One Week Institute on Sustainable Urban Design: Natural Systems and the Built Environment, July 18 – July 23
3. UBC Land Use Plan Open House, July 15th
4. Outstanding in the Field dinner at UBC Farm, Monday July 19th
Vancouver Events:
1. Young Explorers Summer Day Camp - July 5 - Aug 27, 2010
2. Earth Heads summer camps - July (19 – 23), 2010
3. Sustainability: A Green Affair - July 20, 2010
4. MEC North Vancouver Bikefest - July 25, 2010
UBC Event Details:
UBC Blueberry Festival, July 13
- Date: Tuesday July 16th – Friday July 16th 9am – 1pm
- Location: UBC Bookstore Plaza
- Cost: Free
- Details: Featuring: Blueberry Pancake Breakfast, Blueberries by the flat from Farm to Market, UBC Farm Market, Daily Prize Draw, UBC Bookstore Discounts, Free Recipes, Local Talents - Fiddle Stix / James Rogers Band...
One Week Institute on Sustainable Urban Design: Natural Systems and the Built Environment
- Date: Sunday, July 18 – Friday July 23, 7PM
- Location: Liu Institute for Global Issues
- Cost: $3,495
- Organizer: Design Centre for Sustainability in the UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Applied Science and UBC Continuing Studies Centre for Sustainability
- Details: As the pace of planetary urbanization accelerates, the impact of buildings, neighborhoods and cities on economic prosperity, social and cultural well-being, and environmental health is becoming better understood. What is less understood is how to integrate a holistic, natural systems approach into urban design as a fundamental mechanism for achieving sustainability. The UBC Summer Institute in Sustainable Urban Design is an inspiring week-long event designed for professional architects, landscape designers, urban planners, developers, government policy makers and project managers. Participants develop a rigorous and practical understanding of how to incorporate and implement sustainability concepts into the planning and design of buildings, neighborhoods, cities and regions. Through lectures by leading experts and practitioners, panel discussions, site visits and exposure to innovative case studies, participants: understand sustainability design from a range of physical scales and socio-economic perspectives learn integrated, systems-based approaches to incorporating sustainability design in projects engage with leaders in urban design while participating in a cohort supporting peer exchange of knowledge and practical expertise.
- The UBC Summer Institute in Sustainable Urban Design adopts a whole-system approach, considering sustainability from the lenses of natural habitat, energy, water, transportation, culture, economy, and more. While the program encompasses a broad range of topics, emphasis is placed on practical information that can be transferred and applied to sustainability projects and locations anywhere.
UBC Land Use Plan Open House, July 15th
- Date: Thursday July 15th
- Location: Ballroom, Student Union Building UBC, 6138 Student Union Blvrd.
- Cost: Free
- Organizer: UBC
- Details: This Open House/Workshop launches the beginning of the Land Use Plan amendment consultation process, which will include online consultation, public consultation events, and a public hearing in fall 2010/winter 2011. This will take place in accordance with Part 10 – 2010 of the Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act. The workshop is being repeated to accommodate different schedules. Please attend Workshop 1 OR Workshop 2. More information is available on the website at http://www.planning.ubc.ca/consultations/lup.php. Please RSVP to Stefani Lu: stefani.lu@ubc.ca
Outstanding in the Field dinner at UBC Farm, July 19th
Vancouver Event Details:
Young Explorers Summer Day Camp
- Date: (July 5- Aug 27), 2010
- Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm
- Location: UBC Botanical Garden, 6804 SW Marine Drive, Vancouver
- Cost: Varies
- Contact: Organization: UBC Botanical Garden. Phone: 604-822-3928; Email: bo...@interchange.ubc.ca
- Details: Young Explorers Summer Day Camp is a week long environmental and recreational adventure for children aged 7-11. The camp will create life-long connections with nature, wildlife, plants, science, and the environment through games, crafts and exploration in our 44.5 hectare (110 acres) Garden, the Greenheart Canopy Walkway, and the UBC Campus
- Presenters include: Ian Bruce (David Suzuki Foundation), Ernie Crey (Sto:lo Tribal Council), George Heyman (Sierra Club BC), Bill Hopwood, Marc Lee (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives), Adrienne Montani (First Call), Mark Roseland (SFU Centre for Sustainable Community Development), Jim Sinclair (BC Federation of Labour), Vanessa Timmer (One Earth), Ben West (Wilderness Committee)
Earth Heads summer camps
- Date: July (19 – 23), 2010
- Time: 9:30am - 1:30pm
- Location: Camosun Bog, Pacific Spirit Park, Musquem Park, Salmon Creek, Spanish Banks
- Cost: N/A
- Contact: Lisa 778-887-4912, Email: in...@earthheads.net
- Details: Explore your local ecosystems through games, art, scientific experiments/method, poetry, exploration and FUN!! A week of great adventure searching for amazing animals from insects to owls. Come and look for secrets that you would be surprised to find in your city!!
Sustainability: A Green Affair
- Date: July 20, 2010
- Time: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
- Location: Simon Fraser University, Surrey Campus, Main Mezzanine
- 250 - 13450 – 102nd Avenue, Surrey, British Columbia, V3T 0A3
- Cost: N/A
- Details: A community-based event to spread awareness and to educate visitors. Learning is the beginning of changing the way we live our lives. Here, visitors can learn about eco- options for everyday living and shopping, and to learn about how to collectively impact the environment with these choices.
- SAGA hopes to bring together local merchants and companies dedicated to sustainable living These vendors will range from diverse areas like fashion, beauty, food and beverage. They will use their knowledge as well as products and services to educate visitors on greener practices.
- More information: http://www.agreenaffair.ca/
MEC North Vancouver Bikefest
- Date: July 25, 2010
- Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm
- Location: Mahon Park, North Vancouver
- Cost: N/A
- Details:
- Bikefest is an urban celebration of bikes and cycling culture. The North Vancouver event will include bike demos, adult safety courses, kids safety courses, bike maintenance, on-site mechanics, yoga for cyclists, helmet fitting and bike valet. Mountain Equipment Co-op stores across Canada are gearing up to host Bikefests. This one-day, family-friendly events celebrate all things cycling. They feature demonstrations, clinics, cycling vendors, and opportunities to try out gear and test ride new bikes.
The newsletter team include James Butler and Alexandre Vigneault for the comments, Ali Shafiei and Caroline R. Cloutier for the news, Rebecca Beaton for the UBC events, and Resha Sabti for the Vancouver events.