Over four remarkable decades, the University of California - Irvine has become internationally recognized for efforts that are improving lives through research and discovery, fostering excellence in scholarship and teaching, and engaging and enriching the community. Not surprisingly, sustainability issues are moving to the forefront of these efforts.
Given the importance of public education, UC Irvine now offers a FREE streaming video speaker series specifically designed to help viewers better understand and more effectively support sustainability efforts. To access this series, please visit http://ocw.uci.edu/collections/index.aspx and choose “Sustainability” from the listed collections. Feel free to communicate this information to your club members if you think it may be of interest.
Topics include:
· The Plug-In Electric Vehicle Revolution: Are We Ready?
· Business and Sustainability
· Sustainability, Food Security, and World Food Problems
· Political Rhetoric or Political Reality? Tracking Trends in Environment, Peace, and Security
· The Politics of Sustainability
· The Psychology of Sustainability
UC Irvine Extension also offers cutting edge learning and professional development for tomorrow’s sustainability leaders, including fully online certificate programs in Sustainable Business Management, Sustainable Energy Management, and Decision Making for Climate Change. For more information on these Sustainability programs, please visit: http://unex.uci.edu/certificates/sustainability/default.aspx.
Amanda Yngelmo
UC Irvine Distance Learning Center
p - 949/824-0697
f - 949/266-0396